Family moment? 😂

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     Heheh yes I see them as a family lmao 😭 PLEASE REQUEST THINGS btw sorry I haven't posted 😔 art is by leo_aogiri on insta 😍

      Red yellow and duck had just finished fighting. ( after they fight in the end of warrens episode 😨) they had all calmed down but Duck was still mad.
  Duck went to the kitchen to calm down and get some water then suddenly yellow walks in.
Y: " sorry for breaking the computer thingy"
D: " I'm never gonna see that skeleton now"
Y: " sorry "
D: " well, I guess I'm sorry for biting u... this doesn't mean I forgive u though! I'm still mad
All of a sudden red walks in.
R: " what are u guys doing"
D: nothing
Red just ignores them both assuming their arguing. But when he looks back to his surprise he sees duck and yellow gone. He tries to look for them and finds them in the living room
  He walks closer to them but they were too busy to notice him. He realizes there talking about the military but there not fighting it seems like there having fun ? But, instead of interrupting them or making it a huge deal he just goes to his chair and watched TV

  Later when everyone is sleeping red goes to ducks room to sleep with him :) duck was sleeping so red had to shake him awake
D: what do u want I'm trying to sleep
R: um I can't sleep... could I sleep with u?
D: hmm i guess
Red gets into ducks bed and spoons with him :) They both always sleep better when they are together. But just when their about to fall asleep yellow knocks on the door
D: ughh come in
Y: um I had a nightmare :( could I sleep with u guys?
D: I guess
Yellow crawls in between the two and starts to fall asleep :)
Y: wait
R: what is it?
Y: why were u two sleeping together already?
Red and duck got flustered and didn't exactly know how to respond
R: um I had a nightmare too
D: yeah now stop asking us silly questions and go to bed now
Y: okay good night guys

   the end 🥰 Heeheh again sorry I haven't posted I'll try to post more but ya hope u enjoyed 😭
I love u bye <3

Duck x red guy one shots 😘Where stories live. Discover now