Rocks 🤯

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Art is by fizzy.dizz on insta 🫣 HI GUYS this was actually a request
So hope you enjoy! 🤩

It was a normal day for the trio. They were all at the park! Red was getting ice cream from an ice cream truck, yellow guy was playing in the park, and duck was collecting rocks. Duck had a huge rock collection that he let no one touch and paid a lot of a attention too. He really liked rocks.

He was looking and looking until he saw the perfect rock. It was a very dark red. He immediately thought of his unrequited crush. He really liked red but he would never truly express him emotional feelings to him. Unless red did it first. As he stared at the rock he thought about red even more until he felt a tall figure behind him.

He didn't turn until he heard a monotone voice say "hey, I got your ice cream" duck turned to face red with the rock behind him. His face was red. " mint chocolate chip, just like you like it" ( IDK I FEEL LIKE HE WOULD LIKE THAT FLAVOR?) "um thanks" as duck grabbed the ice cream out of reds hands their fingers touched the tiniest bit. Ducks face was extremely red and full of blush. They both went to a bench to enjoy their ice cream and just talk. Duck out the rock in his pocket for later.

[cute little time skip 💗🤯]

The duo got home very late. " do you need me to tuck you in or anything yellow?" Red asked " no I'm okay tonight" yellow then ran up the stairs falling a little bit. Duck had ran to his collection. He had found a couple of other good rocks and placed them down. Red walked over to duck " hmm working on your rock collection?" Duck jumped a bit. " yeah it's incredible isn't it?" Duck smiled. Red could feel blush on his face. " yeahh, I'm gonna make some tea but I'll be back" red left the room and duck quickly took the red rock out of his pocket.

'Hmmm' he thought. He hated the feeling he got when he thought about red. It felt like there was butterflies in his stomach and his face got all red. He didn't really like it but couldn't stop thinking about red. 'Maybe I should give this to- NO! I shouldn't be feeling these stupid feelings!' He hit his stomach. "Oh stop it you!" Duck shouted " everything okay in here?" Red walked back into the room. "Oh um" duck stood up flustered. He obviously wasn't going to tell him what was wrong but he thought 'maybe I should give this to him?' And before duck knew it he felt like he had no control over his body and was giving away his precious red rock. "Here" duck said as he eyeballed the ground. His face was covered in red and he felt like he was going to throw up in a good way tho. " um what's this?" Red asked confused as to why duck would ever give one of his rocks to him. " well, it's a rock you moron!" Duck said kinda embarrassed he didn't really know why but he was. "Obviously but why are you giving me one? I know u cherish them?" Red said a little bit of blush on his face " well, it's red... so I wanted to give it to you." "Um okay thanks" red guy smiled.


Red guy was just curious on what it meant when a bird gives you a rock so he looked it up

What does it mean when the little green one with wings gives you a red rock?

He read that a penguin will look around the beach for the perfect smoothest pebble to give to a female. "Hm... cute"
Thank u sm for reading! The valentines special will be out tmr! LOVE U!!

Duck x red guy one shots 😘Where stories live. Discover now