Comfort 🫣

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Art is by  cupidzclutter on insta !
HEY so this is gonna be about red comforting duck when he's angry 🤯 so ya enjoy ! :)

Red had just woken up and was already hearing screaming. He walked out of his room in his pajamas to see what was happening.
" um what's going on?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen and was greeted with a furious duck with his feathers all ruffled up. 'Cute' red thought. And he also saw Yellow in the corner. He looked upset but also sick of getting yelled at.

" THIS MORON BROKE MY SHREDDER" duck screamed. " oh" red said. He looked at yellow and he was upset but managed to blurt out " I didn't break it I just got a book stuck in it" Yellow looked to the ground as he said this. " IT DOESN'T MATTER IT'S BROKEN AND I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" duck screamed. Red just kinda stared at duck. He was kinda cute when he was angry. " WHY ARE YOU JUST STARING AT ME?!" " oh um sorry listen it's okay he didn't mean to get a book stuck we can just fix it" red tried to reassure duck. " STILL!" *hmp

Red could feel blush on his face. " hey I promise it's okay... we can fix it and it will be good as new"   Red said " yeah I guess" when duck said this he smiled a little bit which gave red a lot of butterflies. " can I go to my room now? " yellow said " I want to watch Grolton and Hovris !" Yellow whined. " fine go! But I'm still mad." Yellow left and it was just red and duck.

" my poor shredder" duck said visibly upset. "It's okay I can fix it" Red took about 20
minutes to fix ducks shredder but after it was completely fine! " see what did I say it's good as new" " thank you." Duck said he looked to the ground tho cus he didn't want red to think he appreciates him or anything. All of a sudden duck could feel his face warming up. ' what the? Why does my stomach feel warm?' Duck thought it wasn't a bad feeling just new. " of course:)" red bent his knees a little to try to get even a little more face to face with duck which was hard to do because of their height difference.

Later that night...
Red was in bed and couldn't sleep he was thinking about going to ducks room. Since he had nothing to lose he just went. He walked into ducks room and saw him sleeping? He wasn't really sure. But he was tired and wanted to sleep. Especially after seeing how mad he got earlier. He looked so- his thoughts were interrupted by duck. " what r u doing in my room?" Duck asked with a tired voice. " well, I couldn't really sleep and I thought I could try to sleep... with.. you" he could feel his face turning red and the butterflies in his stomach. Duck had blush all over this face too. " um... sure" red started to get into his bed. At first they tried their bests not to touch eachother ( or at least that's what they told themselves ;)) but since the bed was small they did touch.

It was later in the night and red could have swore duck was asleep but then all of a sudden " hey red r u awake?" " yeah why?" " um thank you for today... I would have killed yellow if you didn't help" duck said " no problem..." it was quiet until red decided to grab duck closer. Red grabbed his waist and pulled him closer. Then they feel asleep

OMG THAT IS THE LONGEST CHAPTER SO FAR 🤯 sorry I haven't posted but I promise I will 😭 thx for reading love u 💗

Duck x red guy one shots 😘Where stories live. Discover now