But I'm Not A Girl!

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3rd Person POV

Inosuke was sitting at his dining table, he was arguing with his adoptive grandmother, old lady Hisa. They were bickering about Inosuke finding a job, the thing was, he didn't exactly like the work suggestions.

"What the hell even is cross-dressing? And how would that be a job!?" Inosuke angrily questioned.

"Son, I'm only saying, you have very nice feminine features, it could benefit us greatly." Hisa countered. Inosuke huffed.

"But I'm not a girl! Why should I pretend to be one?" Inosuke protested flailing his arms around.

"I don't want to force this pressure on you, but Inosuke, you really need to find a job, male or female centered, as long as it pays." She gave out a sigh. "Money is tight and I'm afraid I cannot work anymore, my body is much too feeble." She pleaded, Inosuke gave into her convincing begging.

"Fine, I'll look for something. It's not like it can be that hard." Inosuke rolled his eyes, a teeny smile appearing on his face. He felt somewhat happy to contribute to his grandmother, she's done so much for him and he'd feel it was only right to give something back.

"Well, eat your breakfast so you can head out." Hisa demanded, placing a delicious meal in front of Inosuke, which he had gobbled up in seconds.

"Always a hungry one aren't you?" She chuckled. Inosuke jumped up from his seat and grabbed his coat, ready to head out.

"Bye, Hisa!" He shouted, his mouth full of food. Hisa waved in reply. And Inosuke left, ready to find a job.

"Okay, just gotta find some jobs, now what can I do?" Inosuke questioned in his mind. "I'm quite strong, and resilient..." He paused. "I think."

Inosuke, distracted by his own thoughts accidentally bumped into someone, that someone turned out to be, Tomioka Giyu.

"Oh, sorry-" Inosuke glanced at the man he had bumbed into, "Tomika?" He blurted, recognizing the deadpanned-faced friend of his.

"Tomioka, actually. Anyway, what are you doing out so bright and early? I know you, and you sleep in, late." Tomioka said monotonously. Inosuke sighed.

"Job. Gotta find one to put bread on the table y'know." Inosuke told him. Tomioka let out a faint smile. Inosuke's eyes widened.

"Tomika, are you, smiling?" Inosuke questioned, baffled. Giyu's grin faded.

"No- it's just, I may have a job for you, but..." He held a hand to his mouth, possibly covering a laugh. "With your complexion, I'm sure you could pass as a girl, right?" He smirked.

"What!? Why is everyone saying that today? And what do ya mean?" Inosuke huffed. Tomioka shook his head.

"My friend- well someone I know, Shinobu, has been wanting to hire a, maid to housekeep the mansion." He said suppressing a smile. Inosuke groaned and stared at him with a grimace.

"Really, maid? Isn't that for girls? Inosuke whined And don't say I look like one!" Inosuke added angrily.

"You could pass as one." Giyu shrugged. Inosuke furiously stared.

"But I'm not a girl!" He complained. "I'm a boy, I'm a boy!" He shouted

"You're so childish. Listen Inosuke, it pays well, it'll be easy, and the work hours are manageable. Give it a try." Giyu suggested, his hands resting on Inosuke's shoulders. Inosuke looked down and murmured something along the lines of (fine I'll do it, but don't be referring to me as a woman.) Tomioka let go of Inosuke and stood up straight, with a satisfied expression.

"I'll text you the address, and tell Shinobu." He stated softly punching Inosuke in the arm. He received a more burly punch from the boy back.

"See ya later boar head." Giyu waved leaving. Inosuke waved back and shouted a thank you. Soon after Tomioka was gone from sight, he recived the text he was promised, and repiled with, "Thanks Tomika!" And Giyu responding with a "*Tomioka." Inosuke let out a chuckle before walking towards the sent address.


"You're, a boy?" Aoi said, she groaned giving one of those, are-you-kidding-me-right-now looks as she was reading Inosuke's resume.

"Oh it's alright, I mean he looks like a girl, and a very pretty one as well!" Shinobu Kocho gushed. Inosuke stood idly, hoping to get the job, or else all this awkwardness was for nothing.

"Yes but can he play the part?" Aoi deadpanned.

"Huh?" Inosuke asked, finally speaking up.

"Can you act like a girl, love?" Shinobu answered, recognizing Inosuke's befuddlement. "Feminine, poise, dainty..." She added. For Inosuke still looked utterly confused.

"Ugh, why can't we just get a real woman to be a maid?" Aoi huffed.

"Hey, I could be and act like a girl if I wanted to!" Inosuke retorted.

"Oh yeah? But you're not a girl!" Aoi countered.

"Alright that's quite enough." Shinobu blurted. "Inosuke," She started, turning to face him. "You have the job. I also need you to abide to some rules, which we'll talk about later, anyway you start Monday, but please, do your best to restrain from arguing." She said giving Inosuke a warning filled look. Inosuke gave her a nod and grin.

"Thank you very much, Miss Koko-"

"Kocho, darling." Shinobu corrected.

"Erm, yes, thank you again, I promise I'll do my absolute best!" Inosuke stated walking towards the door to head out. Shinobu nodded and waved. Aoi waved as well, although she looked away muttering under her breath.

Inosuke sighed in relief as soon as he was out of the building grounds, he'd be given instructions and a tour Saturday and would start Monday, he was extremely excited to be working and mentally reminded himself to text Giyu he got the job, and to add another thank you. He was going to head home to tell his grandmother the great news.

He ran across the streets of the city, dodging the people he passed by inches as he sped towards his home. He was eager to say how quickly he found a job, heck he found one in a day. Lots can't say that. So he was also grateful. Though the job applies him to be, or to act feminine, he doesn't mind. It's just a job, no one'll see him like that out of work anyway. Although he did quite dread wearing a maid dress, he knew he'd be teased by Aoi, and praised by Shinobu. Soon he arrived at the door and opened it to a smiling Hisa.

"How was it?" She asked.

"I got a job!" Inosuke shouted proudly. "Pretty impressive hah?" He added.

"That's amazing Inosuke, I'm so proud, and this soon too! It feels like you just left." She joked, Inosuke beamed at those words. She was proud of him.

"Now, what is your job?" She asked, sitting down on the living room couch, gesturing Inosuke to do the same.

"Erm," Inosuke sat. "It's as a, maid." He said sheepishly. Hisa chuckled.

"But your not a girl!" She joked. Inosuke rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah yeah, I know, but just for now, I guess I am one." He grinned.

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