My Girl

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Tanjiro's POV

I pause, and steal a glance, just to see his reaction.

His eyes widen, and I could see his face clearly. It seemed as if the world had gone quiet, but maybe that's because all I'm focusing on at the moment, is Inosuke.

I'm scared, of course, and I believe very much that he doesn't love me back, but then again, there's a part of me that thinks he'll say "yes, I love you too". Well, I hope he does, that's for sure.

He stays kinda silent for a second, maybe he's thinking? I know Inosuke's never been the one to talk about romance, let alone experience it. Sure he's been flirted with but usually it's always some dumb guy who mistakes him for a girl. And I'm pretty sure most straight girls would feel odd kissing a girl-like face.
So that's when a bisexual comes in, (aka me).

"Inosuke?" I say nervously. "You don't have to answer right away." I assure him. He really doesn't, I don't want him saying he loves me just to pity me.

"No, I just." He finally speaks. I feel my heart thump.

"How could you ever like, me, in that way?" He asks genuinely confused. (I most likely appear shocked, at the moment.) "You're such a nice person Tanjiro, and I just," he looks away. "I don't feel like I'll ever be good enough for you." He finishes in a whisper.

I grab his chin and turn his head to face mine, I could see tears swell in his eyes. I hate that, I hate seeing him cry.

"Inosuke, how could you think that? I fell in love with you because you're perfect, because you're enough," I hug him, and tears flow from both of us. "I love you because you make me feel happy."

"You don't have to love me back—"

"No, no," he chokes. "I do love you, I love you back, I love you more than anything..." he tells me. I smile.

We hold each other, for a while. I didn't know what was going on around us, heck, Nezuko could be sitting right next to me as of now, but all I'm focused on, is comforting Inosuke.

He's the first to pull away. Well, if he didn't I probably never would've pulled away from the hug myself.

"Thank you Tanjiro." He chuckles. "You're too kind, as always." We stay silent for a moment, and I saw his eyes flutter towards my lips for a second. Does he want to kiss? Are we, ready?

"Tanjiro..." He begins leaning in close, my heart thuds against my chest. "Can I, kiss you?" I feel my face go red. Completely.

I nod, unable to speak for I might crumble if I do. We've never been this close; only an inch away from each other. I see his eyes sort of glisten, but maybe he was still a little teary from earlier.

his lips move closer and closer, and the closer they get the harder my heart beats. This doesn't feel real. But this is real, it's happening.

Before I know it his lips hit mine. I feel shock for a moment but soon melt into the kiss as it becomes more passionate. He grabs my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. I have never kissed anyone like this, and I was surprised at how Inosuke could kiss moderately well— I mean he was still a messy kisser, but for someone who's probably never done much kissing, or even seen much kissing, still impressive.

He pulls away from me and places a hand on his mouth, shocked.

"I can't believe we did that..." he confesses in a whisper. I smile, I then see his face grow red and I smile wider. I can't believe it either, but it happened. And I am so happy it did.

"Did you, like it?" I ask, a little embarrassed. I'm sure all this was new to him. I wanted to make sure he understood all his emotions. He nods.

"Did you arrive here on foot?" I ask. He shakes his head, confused. My face lights up.

"You don't mind hitching a ride with me and Nezuko? And maybe going out somewhere?" I chuckle.

"Not at all." He smiles.

We walk towards the car, holding hands, I already hear Nezuko saying 'I told you so'.


"Are you guys dating now?" Nezuko asks eagerly. We decided to eat breakfast at a restaurant. It wasn't really considered a date since Nezuko was tagging along but after we ate she promised she'd leave us alone~ while she hung out with friends. We were at the table and Inosuke had left to wash his hands.

"Well we haven't had that talk yet Nezuko." I shrugged.

"Well after I leave you better have that talk soon!" She growls. I'm sure she's impatient, I mean it did take half a year for us to confess. But I just don't want to rush him is all.

"They have nice bathrooms here." Inosuke says impressed grabbing a chair to sit. We chuckle and begin looking over what to order.

I can't help but steal a few glances at Inosuke. I still couldn't believe he actually likes me, that we like each other. It was surreal, the thought of it.

He seemed pretty content. My guess was the love of his life had reciprocated feelings and he now feels glad and is put in a good mood. Not flustered or confused at all. Quite the opposite for me, heck, I can't even grasp the thought of Inosuke liking me back. And I, someone with experience; a nervous wreck, versus Inosuke; someone without experience and happy and fine.

"Hello, may I take your orders?" A lady with a perky voice asks us. We all nod and say our orders. I ask for pancakes while Nezuko and Inosuke ask for bacon and eggs.

She leaves and we begin making small talk. Chatting about the most random topics that bring up different topics and so on.

Eventually we have our meals brought to us, and I smile seeing Nezuko eat so formally next to Inosuke who's snarfing down the food. It's a wonder how I can find equal enjoyment in two completely opposite people's company.

We finish and Inosuke offers to pay the bill but I assure him I will pay. Nezuko sighs and says we all pitch in to pay. And to that we all agree upon.

Inosuke and Nezuko race to the car, and I laugh walking after. Man I'm excited for what the rest of the day has to offer. I mean it's just begun.

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