Warm Welcome

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3rd Person POV

"Alright, time to head inside!" Tanjiro beamed. They had already grabbed everything needed and left a few unnecessary things  to pick up for later.

Tanjiro glanced at Inosuke to see he looked, apprehensive, troubled.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that," Inosuke shrugged. "I don't know what your folks'l think of me." He sighed. "I just want to make sure I'm not a burden."

"Hey you're never a burden! I myself have never been more happy being with you." Tanjiro smiled softly, "They're going to love you Inosuke, I mean who doesn't?" He finished.

Inosuke shook his head. "Thanks man, of course you always know what to say." He grinned and abruptly pulled Tanjiro into a hug. "You're too nice Tanji." He chuckled.

"Hey, it's nothing..." Tanjiro mumbled, hugging him back, he felt his cheeks red hot at the sudden gesture, but he didn't care. Inosuke complimented him. His crush complimented him!

"Heh, sorry," Inosuke let go of Tanjiro. "Guess we shouldn't keep Nezuko standing there, or your family waiting." He advised. Tanjiro turned to Nezuko, he had forgotten she was there. She giggled, at their cluelessness.

Inosuke knocked on the door, nervously waiting, Tanjiro and Nezuko were behind him, waiting anxiously as well.

"You like him don't you?" Nezuko whispered to her brother. Tanjiro gasped, shushing her.

"Don't say it so loud!"

"You do like him!" She whisper-shouted.

"Hey shh!" He persisted.

"Ma! Nezuko and Tanjiro are here! With their friend!" Hanako shouted eagerly. Tanjiro and Nezuko immediately rushed towards the door and inside, Inosuke following shyly.

"Oh Tanjiro, Nezuko!" She hugged him, and then gave him a kiss on the cheek, she did the same for Nezuko.

"And you must be Inosuke, right?" She recalled, giving him a small hug as well. "Well, welcome to our home." She said warmly.

"Thank you, Miss Kamado, I'm happy to be here." He said calmly, as surprising as it was. He supposed it was the idea that he was greeted so kindly by such a kindly woman, he felt confidence.

"Hi Inosuke!" Hanako grinned tugging his shirt.

"You look like a girl Inosuke!" Shigeru exclaimed, pointing at Inosuke.

"Yeah he does! Are you Tanjiro's girlfriend?" Takeo asked, tilting his head.

"Stop pestering the poor boy." Kie ordered, shooing them away. She sighed, turning towards Inosuke.

"Would you like anything to eat? Drink?"

"Water, please."

Kie walked into the kitchen to grab his water. Takeo took this opportunity to approach Inosuke. Takeo tapped his shoulder.

"So, you're Nezuko and Tanjiro's new friend?" He asked skeptically, arms across his chest.

"I mean yeah?" Inosuke shrugged.

"What do you do when you're not with Nezuko and Tanjiro?" He inquired.

"Huh? Uh, I dunno—"

"Here's your water— and Takeo stop interrogating Inosuke!" She demanded sternly. Obviously fed up with their constant questions and invasion towards Inosuke.

"Sorry," she sighed as Takeo huffed away. "these kids are just really excited to see a new friend come over." She smiled, handing him the water. Inosuke beamed at the thought of them already liking him.

"It's alright! I'm sure their just curious as kids are." He chuckled.

Nezuko sighed impatiently and dragged both Inosuke and Tanjiro by the scruff of their necks, towards her room, Tanjiro was questioning her actions and Inosuke had obliged but was confused as to why and where she was taking them.

"Uhm, Miss Kamado? Thanks for the water!" He shouted before disappearing into the room with the two. Kie giggled and began working on dinner, she was glad Tanjiro had made a friend. And to her it seemed like the three were close.

"What's wrong Nezuko?" Tanjiro said rubbing his neck. Inosuke nodded, he also had the same question in his mind.

"We need to shower, change? C'mon guys we've been on the road for forever and you don't feel uncomfortable with what you're wearing?" She said, thinking that they were extremely clueless. Tanjiro and Inosuke looked at each other.

"Right Nezuko, do you want to go shower first?" Tanjiro giggled. He had forgotten. And so did Inosuke. She nodded rushing to grab clothes and then sped towards the bathroom, leaving Inosuke and Tanjiro alone.

"You wanna go next Inosuke?"

"Sure I guess."

They sat on Nezuko's bed, There was an obvious awkward tension between them.

The room was mostly pink with some black and white, the walls were decorated with lights and posters. She used to have a sliding closet filled with lots and lots of clothes, and a dresser, lipstick, nail polish, mascara, makeup just all over her desk, and accessories. But now all of it was nearly empty.

The room was dimly lit but light enough to see around, and Tanjiro couldn't help but admire Inosuke's absolutely gorgeous face.

He had never minded it much but ever since his developed crush he felt as if just staring into Inosuke's eyes would make him quite literally faint. It was no doubt that Inosuke's beauty made him quiver at just the thought of it.

"You good?" Inosuke asked, it was jarring, him suddenly breaking the loud silence. Tanjiro believed Inosuke had noticed his admiring.

"Uhm," he had no words, now that Inosuke was staring directly at him; eyes on each other, he felt weak. "Ah, I'm fine just, tired." He had the first thing that came to mind. He felt as though any more words and He would have just kissed him.

"Okay," He said dragging out the 'a'. He was of course oblivious to Tanjiro's flustered expression and actions. But of course he himself was never really taught how love really worked.

"Hey Tanjiro,"


"Thanks, I mean for letting me come along with you guys. I know how important visiting your family is, and I'm glad that I get to tag along too." He smiled.

Tanjiro sat agape, unable to speak. "Why's he so cute!?" He thought internally gushing about Inosuke.

"Well we're happy to have you here. You're always welcome y'know." Tanjiro replied, he prayed his face didn't look like a red tomato.

"Thanks," Inosuke mumbled.

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