Anniversary Gifts

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Inosuke's POV

A year. It's been a full year since me and Tanjiro started dating. And honestly, It's been the best year of my life.

"Today's your guys' anniversary right?" Giyu's currently sitting, reading a book (weirdo). He looks me in the eye "You're getting him something, right?"

I roll my eyes. "Uh yeah? I just uhh, dunno what to get him exactly." I shrug smiling weakly. Giyu sighs rubbing his temple.

"You've been together a whole year, do you at least know what he's into? His hobbies? what he'd want?" Giyu questions me.

"You think I'm that bad of a boyfriend? I may have the stubbornness of a boar but not the mind of one!" I smile proudly.

Giyu gives me an annoyed look and sets his book down. "So any idea what you'll be getting? Hm?" He asks. I ponder for a moment.

"I don't know?" I shrug sheepishly. Giyu facepalms.

"Listen. I'm kinda busy right now but I'll get Zenitsu and Nezuko to help you pick out a nice gift, k?" Giyu says this with a sweet tone in his voice, at least he tries. He still can't get that dead look off his face. I still try to show my gratitude.

"Alright." I beam with excitement. "You sure you can't come?" I'm trying to convince him now, pleading with puppy eyes. Note that, I'm trying.

"I'm sure." Giyu says. (Well I'm sure he's thinking about it) "Why would you want me to go anyways?" He asks this looking sincerely confused as to why I would want him to come along.

I attempt to show my reasoning through words but I'm not really good at that. I scoff and childishly cross my arms. "Why wouldn't I?" He's like a brother-figure to me. I feel like I need him because he really does feel like a brother to me. I feel safe around him.

"I dunno, I'm kinda boring don't you think?" Giyu replies shrugging. I'm now quite aggravated he would say that about himself.

"Boring? You're like, cool and, chill!" Giyu looks a bit taken aback but raises a brow and actually smiles.

"Y'know what? Okay. I'll come." He says. He jumps up from his seat and walks toward his room. I follow after him positively excited. I give him a look of pure joy as he stops to look at me.

"Shut up! The only reason I'm here is so I could hang with Nezuko." Zenitsu huffs. Inosuke chuckles and shoves his hand in his pocket, searching for his wallet.

"Huh, I thought I grabbed it—"

"Wait! You forgot your wallet!?" He groans. "Don't tell me we've got to drive all the way back to your house!" He whines like a child.

Giyu rolls his eyes and approaches. He reaches for his own pocket and takes out Inosuke's wallet. "I grabbed it. I knew you'd forget it." He holds it out for Inosuke to grab.

"Oh, thanks," Inosuke says sheepishly and grabs his wallet. "Told you it good you came along." Inosuke smiles.

"So you need me here to remember everything for you?"

"Not like that! I-I, want you here."

"Ahem!" Zenitsu interrupts looking clearly annoyed. "Let's not get all sappy in the mall parking lot, alright?" He frowns. We all turn to face him.

"Let's just go." He sighs and begins walking. Nezuko shrugs and follows after, Me and Giyu do the same.

"Did you really mean that?" Giyu asks, a soft slight smile on his face. I nod.

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