I Think

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Inosuke's POV

"Have you ever fallen in love, Inosuke?" Me and Tanjiro were sitting back on the roof, same time, and because of the same reason. We just couldn't sleep.

"I mean, maybe I thought I was in love a few times, but no not really." I confessed, kicking my feet. Lately I've been feeling like I have a crush on Tanjiro.

He's always in my head, I always want to be with him, and everytime he's around me butterflies flutter in my stomach, if that even makes sense. I'm pretty sure it's a crush. But I haven't decided when I'm going to tell him. I'm sure the right time'll come I guess.

"How come you're bringing that question up?" I asked, raising a brow. Did I think Tanjiro liked me back? Probably not, which is why I haven't told him yet, besides, I don't believe anyone would even like me that way.

"Oh just curious." He chuckled "And kinda out of things to say." I know I'd never be tired of hearing Tanjiro's voice. It was sweet and soft, and he always had this warm, approachable kinda feeling to him, even since we met.

"It's late anyways.." I yawned. I didn't want to go but I'm pretty sure it's best for Tanjiro to get some sleep, especially since we're heading out tomorrow, and I know if I didn't go, he wouldn't. "Should we get going to bed?" I finished.

"Sure, I'm feeling a lil' sleepy too." He smiled, jumping down. I copied and we began heading inside once again. I could get used to this routine. I now would always look forward to the night, so I could meet Tanjiro.

"Goodnight Inosuke," Tanjiro said warmly, at the guest room, as I stood in front of him, also ready to start saying goodnight.

"See ya in the morning." I smiled, ruffling his hair. He shut the door and I shuffled towards the bed and went under the covers.

I was thinking about the other night. When he had kissed my cheek. Was that a lovey kinda gesture or just a more comfortable approach? I have to admit I'm not very experienced nor knowledgeable when it comes to love. Let alone friendship.

But I hope that maybe it's a sign he does like me. I concluded, finally drifting off into a dreamless state.


"Wake up! Wake up Inoko!" Hanako ushered, shaking the bed. She had nicknamed me 'Inoko' which Hanako had explained it was my girl name since I looked like a girl.

"I'm up, I'm up." I groaned, throwing the covers off.

"Hurry let's go eat!" She exclaimed.

"Okay," I smiled, standing up. "Race ya." I shouted abruptly, speeding out to the kitchen, as she giggled, chasing after me. I slowed down a bit so she could catch up.

"I win!" She cheered, hands in the air. She did beat my by just a little.

"You're just too good." I chuckled, grabbing a plate. We began serving ourselves delicious breakfast, and began saying good morning.

"Sleep well Inosuke?" Kie asked, smiling. Tanjiro and I glanced at each other, he then winked at me, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah," I turned to Hanako, who had already finished serving, she was now sitting at the table. "My alarm was very effective." I chuckled, Kie sighed.

"I'm so sorry about Hanako, she can be quite troublesome—" I laughed loudly, Hanako laughed as well.

"It's no problem!" I reassured. "Besides, we've got somewhere to go don't we?" I recalled. Kie sighed, and began collecting some empty plates, and walked over to olace them in the dishwasher.

"He's right kids," she began cleaning the dishes. "Start getting dressed." She ordered. The kids gobbled up their meals, set them in the sink and rushed to the rooms. I chuckled at their enthusiasm.

"You should get dressed to Inosuke, don't worry about me." She said, shooing me.

"Alright, thank you Miss Kamado." I smiled before walking to the guest room. I decided to choose just a white T-shirt, black cargo pants, grey hoodie and grey converse. I liked to keep it simple.

I heard a knock on the door, and shouted an 'it's open!' only to see Tanjiro enter the room, shyly he walked towards me.

"Hey Inosuke," he yawned.

"Tired?" I chuckled. We had stayed a little longer last night, on the roof. I have to admit, I hated the thought that maybe it was my fault for keeping him up there when he probably wanted to sleep.

I wonder if this was the right time to tell him about how I feel, or better yet, ask him about love, because I can barely understand it myself. Yeah,

"Uhm, Tanjiro?"


"I think that, I'm falling in love."

His eyes widened, but it soon changed into a warm smile. Which made my heart thump. I didn't want to tell him exactly who it was that I fell in love with because, obviously, it was him.

"Really?" He sighed, I couldn't tell if he seemed jealous or happy. "With who?" I knew he was going to ask that.

"Well, I kinda don't wanna tell you." I mumbled.

"That's fine," He smiled, "Are you sure this time it's love?"

"Yeah, this time it's for real." I huffed. "I know it."

"Okay then." He chuckled, I adored his laugh so much, I always wanted to hear it. Which is why I always attempt to make him laugh.

"What do ya think I should do?" I asked, genuinely curious as to what he would say. Heck the only reason I was doing this's to see what Tanjiro would do, so I could maybe tell if he liked me.

"Well, I say confess, and if they reject, oh well." He sighed. "It's not like keeping it inside'll do any good. Because if you never tell you'll only be left with the thought," he paused. "Did they ever like me back?" He mumbled.

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