The Mall

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Tanjiro's POV

That's it! I turned away from Inosuke. I have to tell him, it's now or never, I need to follow my own advice. Why would I tell him to do something I wouldn't do myself?

Well, maybe because I didn't want to lose him. Just the thought of it hurt so much. He's so kind, and energetic. How could I ever lose that?

It'd be so awkward, if he had said no then what would happen after? Would our friendship break apart? Even if it didn't, I'm sure my crush wouldn't go away. Because I really do love him.

I don't want to risk anything.

"Seems like you know a lot about this love thing, huh?" Inosuke says, tilting his head. I smile slightly. Everything will be fine. I'll know when the time is right.

"I guess."


"Come on Tanjiro, we're going to leave without you!" My mother shouted as I heard her shuffling the keys into the door. I quickly threw on a shirt and sped towards the door. Everyone was there waiting for me, I sigh in relief as my mom walks out, everyone else and I started to follow.

"Everyone in the car!" Mother yelled. Everybody rushed towards the car, Takeo, shouting "I call shotgun!" and the others clamoring around into their spots in the back.

"You two boys go take the other car alright?" We nodded in agreement. I would be able to drive and Inosuke didn't have to endure the kids screaming in the back. "You two get some final alone time before chaos ensues at the mall." She winked walking over to her car.

I chuckled weakly and glanced at Inosuke, who just shrugged and of course ran to the car. He slid by the front and swiftly jumped inside for the door was pre-opened conveniently for his miraculous stunt. I shook my head, smiling slightly as I opened and entered the car like a normal person would.

"Sorry, it's just fun to rebel once in a while." He confessed sheepishly.

"No worries." I then realized though, that through all the pressure of being something he's not; a courteous, calm, and mannered man, when he's really quite a hot-tempered ecstatic boarhead. But for now I'm just glad he feels safe enough around me to act like himself.

I begin driving just behind my mom, I can see my siblings waving from the back of the car and I smile and wave back. Hanako and Shigeru began making silly faces at Inosuke, and he did the same back. It was so cute I laughed out loud, I could tell my mother had beckoned them to sit down for they turned apprehensively and sat. I laughed again and for a split second I thought I saw Inosuke's cheeks show a teeny bit of red.

"So, how's it going, at your job?" I ask casually. He shrugs.

"I gotta say, it's still kinda weird, it's tiring to be so polite and feminine all the time, but it's worth it so see how proud everyone is of me. So I could say that yeah, it's going well." He said. My eyes widened.

"Inosuke, you're a really good person, y'know?" I grinned at him. He really is.

"I uhm." He turned away, I suppose he's often flustered and not used to being complimented, or used to being shown affection at all. And I want to change that. I want to shower him with so much love. I'm going to shower him with love.

"Thanks." He smiled.

"Well." I sighed, shifting to 'P' for park. "Were here!" I chuckled, opening the door. The house isn't too far from town, in fact it's almost a walks way from home. Inosuke rushed out the car and gazed at the mall, I don't think it's much to look at, but he seems mesmerized, I wish he'd look at me like that. I sighed, am I getting jealous over a store?

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