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3rd Person POV

"So, it's official now?" Nezuko asked, wide-eyed.

"Well yes. It's just that we don't know how to tell everyone..." Tanjiro said mumbling that past part. He had never dated a guy before, so all of this was new to him and the people who he's been friends with his whole life, well it'll be new to them as well.

"C'mon Tanjiro real friends will understand and accept you." She smiles. "Inosuke and I will be with you the whole time." She assures.

"Let's tell Zenitsu first. He is my best friend." Tanjiro says patting her head.

"I think he'll be glad to hear Inosuke's in a relationship since people will finally stop teasing him about his crush on Inosuke when he was supposedly a girl." Nezuko giggles striding towards the front door.

"We can walk right?" Nezuko asks hesitating to take the car keys.

"Yeah, I don't think it's too far," Tanjiro recalls. "Besides we shouldn't keep Inosuke waiting outside."


"Maybe we should get some snacks," Inosuke suggests pointing to a gas station. I and Nezuko simultaneously turned our heads to face his. "What? I can pay if you guys don't want to."

"It's fine," Tanjiro smiles taking out his wallet. "we can get a few things." Inosuke beams and we walk toward the gas station. Nezuko following after.

They enter and Inosuke immediately goes to pick out some chips.

"It's a wonder how that guy's so buff," Nexuko whispers. Tanjiro gives her a stern look before going on the hunt to find a drink. He was rather thirsty himself.

Nezuko grabs a juice, and she and Inosuke agree to share some of the chips. Inosuke grabs three bags of chips, a large soda, gummy bears and god knows what else. Ultimately Tanjiro settles for just water.

At the register, the cashier says the total, Tanjiro reaches for his money but Inosuke stops him.

"Don't worry I'll pay for it all." Inosuke checks his wallet, carefully counting the money. When he finishes he looks up meekly. "I'll pay for half of it."

"Inosuke you're hilarious." Tanjiro proves his point by laughing leaving Inosuke proud and flustered. Even though they were already dating he felt it was embarrassing to be easily flustered just by Tanjiro's laugh.

"I know I am," Inosuke says crossing his arms. Tanjiro believed it was a nice sight to see Inosuke sometimes show his true self, his determined self-admirable, and fearless self.

Tanjiro laughed once again giving Inosuke a quick peck on the lips startling the boar for a moment. He was going to have to get used to that. Affection. Something he's not very used to receiving from anyone other than Hisa.

"Tanjiro?" A voice questioned. The three; Nezuko, Inosuke, and Tanjiro, spun their heads around to see the one and only Zenitsu.

"Did you just kiss Inosuke?" He asked utterly baffled.

"Oh, Zenitsu!" Tanjiro gasped. "I yeah we were just about to tell you about— that." Tanjiro chuckled weakly.

"What that you guys are dating or something?" He sighs.

"Ahem!" Nezuko clears her throat signaling the boys that they should get out of the store to discuss that topic. At least that's what Tanjiro had gotten from her.

"Can we just walk to your place and talk about it on the way?" Tanjiro pleaded, already heading out the door.

"Sure but I've got people over." Zenitsu says. Tanjiro internally called himself stupid for not texting Zenitsu if he was free at all.

"I came to the gas station to buy a few snacks but seems like you guys took the whole place." Zenitsu chuckles looking towards Inosuke and Nezuko who are carrying multiple bags.

"Who do you have over?" Tanjiro asks curiously.

"Oh, just the er, butterfly people," Zenitsu says.


"Shinobu, Kanao, Aoi, y'know!" He pouts.

"Giyuu and Sabito may come over too." Zenitsu adds.

"Aw man! Tomioka's gonna make so much fun of me." Inosuke groans.

"C'mon Inosuke you're like a little brother to him of course he's going to make harmless fun of you. It's all jokes anyway." Tanjiro reassures giving Inosuke a kiss on the cheek.

"I guess so." Inosuke shrugs trying to hide his cheeks which are growing red.

"So you guys are dating? For how long have you been dating?" He questions suspiciously.

"Days, Zenitsu calm down." Nezuko blurts. "Jealous?" She smirks.

"Of course not! I never liked Inosuke and never will." He huffs. And with that we were already in front of his home.

"Well looks like we're here." He mumbles opening the door.

"Oh, Zenitsu. We thought it was odd the host wasn't at his own party." Sabito chuckles putting an arm around Giyuu.

"Went to grab snacks but found friends." Zenitsu shrugs. It was somewhat like a party. People chatting with drinks, faint music playing, but Zenitsu had just said it was a get together.

"Oh Inosuke!" Shinobu gasps rushing to the boy giving him a tight embrace. "You're working tomorrow right?" She smiles.

"Yep." Inosuke says unable to breathe.

"You won't believe who filled in for you!" Shinobu giggles.

"Who?" Inosuke asks finally able to breathe since she's let go.

"Giyuu! Oh and he wore this adorable maid outfit too." She squeals. "Look I have a picture."

"Sabito's a lucky guy!" Shinobu laughs hysterically.

"Ha! He's got a little bow too!" Inosuke chortles equally amused.

"Are you seriously telling him Shinobu? You better not show him the pictures!" Giyuu yells across the room. Shinobu, if possible laughs harder, struggling to keep it in.

"Alright what's going on here?" Giyuu asks leaning on the doorframe.

"Oh nothing at all." Shinobu smiles stifling a giggle.

"Actually if you don't mind I'd like to steal Inosuke for  sec." Giyuu says. At this Inosuke wondered what could Giyuu possibly want to talk about?

"Go ahead and take him I guess." Shinobu shrugs.

"What do you need me for?" Inosuke gulps following Giyuu to where he's leading him.

"I just wanna talk y'know a heart to heart." Giyuu smiles. He walks into a room and closes the door behind him.

"Okay, this is scary..." Inosuke thinks as he sits down on a surprisingly cozy chair. Giyuu siting in a similar one in front of him.

"I just wanna ask, and the thought has been lingering in my mind for a while." He pauses, possibly for dramatic effect. "Do you like Tanjiro?" Giyuu finally asks.

Inosuke almosts laughs out loud. Relieved he answers. "Giyuu we're literally dating!"

"Wait since when?" He asks utterly baffled at the thought. "Have you been hiding stuff from me?"

"Not at all." Inosuke chuckles. "We've been dating for merely days calm down. We were going to tell you today anyways." Inosuke shrugs.

"You're dating Tanjiro?!" Aoi blurts bursting the door open. Behind her Kanao had previously tried stopping her from doing so, and Shinobu listening intently to their conversation, meanwhile Sabito stood afar, innocently watching.

"So sorry Inosuke I tried to stop them." Kanao apologizes immediately.

"What you guys we're eavesdropping or something? Wh— where's Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Nezuko?" Inosuke asks. Giyuu only stares at the chismes.

"They went to get more snacks." Shinobu says brightly. "So how long have you two been dating~?" She perks.

Inosuke facepalms. Of all the ways they could have found out, this way?

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