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The wobbling of the bus seemed  to carry on for most of the night. I never truly realized how far away West Tulsa was from East Tulsa.

With each mile, we set off away from the Eastside, the more lonely I started to feel. It's  crazy how in a span of five months you can become close to people. Closer than people you've known for five years.

The thought of all the boys made me want to cry, but I knew in order to keep them safe, I had to go away.

But the last place I would be going is home.

The bus stopped at a local bodega that seemed to thrive in the night. I knew from there, I only had a short walk to my destination.

I grabbed my suitcase and my guitar and exited the bus, not daring to look back.

About half mile later, I came to the door the place that I've been many times in my life. I skipped the front door and went straight to the back porch. Knowing where the key was, I lifted the mat the key was under and unlocked the door.

The house was dark, but there were pictures everywhere. A mother and father, with a bright redheaded girl always pictured between them.

"Cherry, are you home?" I whispered, not knowing if her parents were home or not.

I didn't receive an answer.

Making my way up the stairs of this home, I came to the last bedroom at the end of the hall and opened the door.

Of course I knew it was Cherry's room. And there she was, laying in her bed.

"Cherry.. you awake?" I whispered.

Cherry hummed, not coherent of who she was talking to. I closed her door behind me and sat on the edge of her bed, next to her shoulder.

"Cherry... wake up.."

I was excited to see my friend again and anxious to see her reaction to me. Cherry groaned a few more times before I became impatient and punched her arm.

"Hey! Who-"

Was all she could say before she turned her head my way, her eyes growing big. She went to say something and I put my hand around her mouth, trying to silence her.

"Cherry, is your parents home? I don't want anybody knowing I'm here."

Cherry shook her head no and I took my hand down from her mouth.

"Good. Now why don't you hug me? I missed you!" We both flung into each other's arms. I could feel the light cry of Cherry and I patted her back.

"I thought you ran away, Rosie! What are you doing here?" We let go of the hug and I laughed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want anybody to know where I went. I can't stay but maybe a few days or until your parents come back home?"

I was in desperate need of shelter and I knew Cherry would let me stay with her.

"Of course! My parents won't be home for 4 more days. They took a vacation to Long Island, of course I'm still in school so I wasn't invited to go." Cherry laughed awkwardly.

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