Nature v. satanism

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Where the devil is not actually provable but nature is. I find that the devil was created by man through the abrahamic religions where is the Shamanism and paganism was around for ages and ages since the last ice age the oldest religions on the planet that are based on religion of Nature and stars. This is something that is a very important to me to say that there's a difference between nature. I have mentioned this to my brother many times that I'm not satanic or anything but just playing nature. I'm not and I've gotten into fights with her about that and there was some times where I wanted during his neck over it because he called me satanic. So I ended up telling him listen you don't have plant that's in front of you that's not created by man that's created by Nature the devil was created by man so don't even start with me. That's when I decided that I was going to make a fight for this the right to wear my makeup that is around my brother even though he would feel like an idiot around me that was his problem alone not my Surface not my monkeys kind of thing.
Evil was created by man I think where is nature was bound to be perfect in his own way I don't think that man was perfect again we ain't perfect but nature on the other hand is always perfect and perfect detail and stuff I even think that the whatever created the universe was female. Something that some people would find offensive in the abrahamic religion with that beside the point that's their belief that the Creator is a dude but I think the Creator is female but that's beside the point. Why because of all the creative detail that wanted to doing this planet and doing this universe in the first place. Is that Satanist trying to hurt people trying to kill people trying to do stuff that's stupid that's satanic to me. And trying to hurt children and stuff that satanic as well as other stuff that is against the law or the law of the star realm in my opinion I don't believe that leaving in nature is grounds for satanism. Something I didn't like to be heard when it came out of my brother's mouth and I said you shut the hell up kind of thing. We got into a day long fight about this and I ended up winning he shut up for once and then yell he actually shut up so that was good other than that I was still a little mess that he had it mixed up. I said that plan is perfect humans aren't humans are the ones that created the devil cuz I don't even bother starting me on this kind of thing unless you want a day long fight with me. What's he got. He was a pretty much a bonehead. And I'm going to tell you this there's a difference between nature and Satanism nature is life and positivity Satanism of death and negativity think about that because there's nothing about there's no room in nature for violence there's no room in nature for war or anything so I don't even bother even watching the news the news is satanic to me as well. Because it's just talked about bad stuff and other things that will be detrimental to your mental health the nature where you go on nature walks and stuff very good for your brain very good for your mind very good influence you might end up making up a portfolio of your photography if you can it's kind of strange but it's true that's how beautiful nature is man on the other hand is ugly and horrible so let's just face and I've been around since for a while. And I know what's right and wrong in this world I don't think that nature is wrong I think nature is healing and helpful where as man made things have caused problems I think let's think about this there's the atom bomb that was created for man by man and it was used to hurt man where is nature on the other hand doesn't hurt you or hurt a fly.
Man made =satanic
Paganism =good.
Why do I say that because man made things have caused problems whether it be the internet or the atom bomb or the AK-47 that is the devil's work if there is a devil I don't think there is. I think we have a little devil in each of them one of us in a little God and each and one of us that's what I think. I don't believe that they're separate entities are all in US. It depends on the balance of Who We Are.

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