My mom

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My mom was born on April 15th 1954 she was abused in the Catholic school system as well having her Knuckles whacked every time she used her left hand. But her parents were pretty good her sister was a bold son of a gun or daughter of a gun let's put it that way who would say what he wanted to say and be done with it but that's her sister my mother was a soft spoken woman who can actually be loud spoken if she was provoked anyway. But was more soft spoken and conservative even though she let me get tattoos. He adopted me in 1991 after she had a dream about an angel telling about a girl that was coming around the band that needed help. That girl was me and that's basically what it was when she saw me in the orphanage that's when she knew that was the angels child that she was talking about so she ended up scooping me up and that was the end of it. She used to take me to the court system for the summer months when the court was not in session just to see what it's like what he works and stuff and then she also took me shopping I was on a healthy diet of shopping when I was a young kid and didn't really learn the value of money until I got my first tattoo. But anyway she was a very good woman rare mother to have that's why I call her the Jupiter Pearl he was so rare I still call her Jupiter. She was married to my father and then she passed away on July 20th 2022 on 9:00 p.m. I believe it was and I was madder than a hornet that day or night actually because I was so frustrated. She went dark and she wanted invisible and that was the end of that story. But she still comes out of the woodwork when she wants to when she wants to is when she has to particularly throwing my clothing for the day in front of my face as I go into my dresser they poof the clothing goes into my face he sends a little signs that says yes this is right idea doing something that I know is right. Something that I just know she's there. We'll see cross over I don't think so until I decide to do so myself one day when when I'm past her age of 68. So that's just basically my goal in life is to make it to as long as possible but also have a quality of life as well enjoy life and enjoy life fully. Like she did except hers was cut short by blood thinners and cancer. I call her my Casper because she's a Friendly Ghost but then again she'll rip your head off if you tick me off.
Exactly like she was in life she was friendly until you ticked off her daughter and then the next thing you know you had a problem on your hands I remember when I was younger in the early days of the pandemic there was a loud mouth and she nearly did something to him that could have been very detrimental. Because he kick me off and called me a bunch of ethnic nicknames and she heard it and went for the jugular this is also part of my idea of karma I don't need to do very much or call the police all I have to do is sick my mother's ghost on you and the next thing you know you're in s*** basically I'm sorry to be mean spirited but she had a streak on her when she knew her daughter was in trouble that she would tear heads off and she had a very sharp tongue she would tell a person to bite the wind right away he was very protective of me. The one thing I did not expect of her and this is the first time I ever asked her this was May I get a tattoo and she said yes that was when I decided somebody switched my mother here but I was just my mother being herself. So that was it the last time I try to talk to her I was on the phone when I was trying to say should I call the police because I'm going to call me an ethnic name. And was circling the block when I was at my brother's place I was so mad that day and then after that I saw her the last time she was in so much pain that I couldn't even comprehend I can't comprehend pain because I don't feel it except for the emotional stuff. And the emotional stuff came when she finally gave up The Ghost and went on to be in the afterlife particularly the afterlife is my bedroom where she floats around and if I so much is cry she goes and attacks the person who pissed me off.
She is no different than she is in life but she is invisible that's it but she'll send signs or throw clothing in your face just to know that she's around.

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