Nature walks

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I go to a day program as you probably noticed about the geode. I go to a place called Bolton House I have to use a different name for privacy issues but anyways I go there to commiserate with people talk to people and also to go on nature walks and to be one with nature it's very interesting to see what nature is like. Beautiful not evil. Something that is provable not and not be heartless and say there's not a tree in a world kind of thing like my atheist brother. I enjoy going around taking pictures of the different trees during the Autumn months and even in the summer months but in this case I was in Autumn when I started with the day program and ended up finding out that nature walks a good luck for me because they happen to help me with my life to help me clear out my head help me talk about things it helped me do other things like as if the spirits of nature help me. So I decide that I go for nature walks and I try all kinds of trails with my friends at Day program. You'd think I was running the show no I don't I have workers that run the show I'm just one of the clients and I just go on the nature walking enjoy what's in front of me. That's basically basically what it is for me and nature is very important to me because it's important to have something that medicate your mind without actual chemicals that's what I think. You have to have a dose of the green stuff the dose of the good nature I'm not talking about marijuana I'm talking about actual going out into nature and enjoying the trees and other stuff that go on in nature and go and enjoy the spirits that dwell in the forests and trails and see what happens there because that's what will help you in the long run I think. Medication can only do so much and can detrimentally do something to your body where is nature you get exercise and you get wholesome pictures as well. Ever seen a person stand by a hay bale I've done it so yes. There's been a lot of good things with nature that I found that's important in the nature trails that I go to are important I want to try every different one of them in the Lanark County blueberry Mountain whatever I don't care whatever there is if it's a trail I want to take it because I want to be able to see if I can find something like that $180 Crystal or that $300 or $400 worth Geo that's in my room. I don't take everything from the forest just things that I know are worth monetary and spiritual value as well. And mostly it's spiritual value because I sometimes ask the spirits of the nature when I go to the nature walks at Day program to blast me on something and as they blast I find I get what I want in life and the blessings are Mary. And that's basically it I've never had a bad day since I've been in Day program certainly a yes there have been times I've had disagreements and stuff but once since the day program I've been one with nature as if I haven't been before but I really enjoy the beauty of it and I can see the spirits in it I can say that but feel the spirits. Something that's very important to me that I hold dear and stuff. It's important to believe in these things to believe in nature to believe in paganism Shamanism Wicked because there's something that's important for you to it's just a healthy thing to do to believe in nature and spirits. And I don't think that therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy or anything else like that can help it's nature that's going to do the trick that's what's going to call me down that's what's going to do you well. All those therapies all those medications might do in the short run when the long run you want nature. That's why I go on nature walks even when I go to the mailbox I look at the nature scenery and say damn I wish I could take a picture of that and I take pictures of scenery all kinds of the year and make quarterly yearbooks. Something that I'm proud of doing I also take pictures of man-made things like the light show that I wanted to the other day and other stuff like that but that's beside the point if it's part of a season I will take a picture of it with regards to that season.

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