Mind-controlled Superman

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Diana of Themyscira could never understand the cantankerous nature of men. Here were the world's leaders at a Peace Summit discussing how nations could cooperate to tackle climate change. The discussions, debates, all out yelling matches were far from peaceful.

The doors burst open.
The abrupt silence, deafening.

Superman strode into the room carrying a metal sphere the size of a golf ball

Something's off. His demeanor's haughty. That's not the Superman she knew. Kal-el's the most humble man she had ever met. Yes, he's confident but never arrogant.

This guy reeked pride.

Flying to the center of the room, Superman turned his nose up at the world leaders.

"This solves your problems," he raised the metal globe. "Do as I say and I shall control the climate to end your woes." His voice was pitched high and nasally, a stark contrast from his low, soothing tone.

"Who are you to control us," objected a authoritative blonde man. "Each sovereign country should make its own decisions."

Scowling, Superman lifted the man up by his collar, flew to the ceiling and dropped him. "Let this be a warning to all imbeciles. Who's next?" He smirked.

A short mustachioed brunette morphed into the Martian Manhunter and caught the falling man. J'onn had been sent by the Justice League to ensure the safety of the World Leaders.

"Stand down, Superman," the Martian warned the Kryptonian.

A fiery burst of heat vision caused J'onn to lose control, turning into formless mass.

"Hee ha hoo hee ho," laughed Superman as he continued blasting J'onn mercilessly. He looked like Superman but his behavior screamed otherwise.

 He looked like Superman but his behavior screamed otherwise

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"Enough!" Diana lassoed him. "Who are you?"

"In this body, I am Superman," his smile was creepy.

"You are not Superman. Tell me the name of the one who controls Superman's body," she commanded.

"Mr Mind," he sneered as he smashed his head against hers.

The world spun. In excruciating pain, Diana passed out.


Captain Marvel listened to Batman drone on. Most League members were in their seats.  Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman were conspicuously absent.

Apparently, Central City too experienced freak weather.

Barry, together with his rogues and captured a golf ball sized gadget which was creating the extreme blizzard.

Interestingly, the air around it was warm. Captain Cold froze the sphere ending the freak weather.

They sealed it in an impenetrable bubble at sub zero temperatures. Lab scans and tests showed that it was packed with alien telepathic worm-like creatures. Batman theorized these creatures were capable of mind control.

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