Detective J'onn

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J'onn was happily savouring the best thing in the universe, oreos and milk, when itty bitty little Billy ran into the room. The tiny boy looked terrified.

Then lightning struck the tiny boy turning him into the six foot five, heavily muscled Captain Marvel.

Itty bitty Billy Batson is Captain Marvel?

As a Martian, J'onn could sense the brain waves of all living things around him. Billy's were that of an ordinary nine or ten year old child although he looked like an undernourished six year old by earth standards.

The Captain who stood before him had the brain of a grown man.

"Billy?" J'onn was incredulous.

"What about Billy?" Cap looked at him with wide innocent eyes. Kind of child-like now that he actually thought about it.

"You.. you're Billy Batson. He's not your son. He's... You?!?" J'onn knew pointing was rude to earthers but he couldn't help himself.

"Do I look like a ten year old boy to you?" Arms crossed, the powerfully built Captain looked at J'onn as if he were mad.

Maybe he finally cracked. Maybe the mind control worms got to him and made him see things. Maybe...

Gently, he tried to probe Marvel's mind to find out what's really going on and came up against a wall.
Marvel's defences.

"Why are you trying to invade my mind?" The normally cheery Captain looked annoyed

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"Why are you trying to invade my mind?" The normally cheery Captain looked annoyed.

"Erm. Sorry?" J'onn was flustered.

"Please respect my privacy."
The Captain stormed out of the room.

For his own sanity, J'onn had to know the truth. He turned invisible to pursue the man.


"Batman, sir. You were looking for me?" Captain Marvel approached the broody Bat.

"Where were you. Do you not understand my instructions to stay in the Watchtower?" Growled the Bat.

"I was in the Watchtower all along, sir." Cap was telling the truth. It's just that he hung out here as Billy.

"Then why did you leave your ward Billy alone all the time? You have the responsibility to take care of your child," Batman's voice took on the the tone of an angry father.

"Superman offered to watch over him. I was busy," he crossed his arms and held the Bat's gaze.

"Busy doing what? Where?" Batman demanded.

"It's personal. You're not my keeper," Cap bit back. He didn't mean to be so rude but the way Bat was drilling down, he could dig up the truth.

"Where were you?" Batman wouldn't let him off.

"The Rock of Eternity." It was the truth. Sort of. He did pop over there now and then to make sure the seven sins were still in their statue prisons.

"If you don't have time for your ward, I can adopt him as my son," Batman offered.

There it was.
He knew Bats had his eyes on Billy from the moment he showed up in that form. His last name made it worse.

"No. Billy is very happy as my ward. Thank you anyway," Captain turned on his heel and walked off. He had an uneasy feeling that he was being watched. Not just by Batman, but by someone else.

Of course!


J'onn felt guilty stalking the Captain but he had to know whether his own sanity was still intact. Visiting the League's resident psychiatrist might get him locked in a padded cell.

"Captain Marvel is really a tiny tot."
Yeah, that would do it. It sounded crazy even to him. Unless Big Red was a shape shifter too.

So far, no one has ever seen the big man shape shift. According to the League's files, shape shifting was not part of The Captain's power set.

Lost in thought, he took his eyes off Cap.
Thunder roared shaking him out of his stupor. That unexplainable phenomenon happened a lot in the space station lately.

Captain Marvel was carrying a basket which wasn't there a minute ago. He took out a mat. On it, he laid out two mugs,  two plates, cartons of milk and boxes of Oreos, classic, chocolate and every new flavour available on the mat.

 On it, he laid out two mugs,  two plates, cartons of milk and boxes of Oreos, classic, chocolate and every new flavour available on the mat

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He looked directly at the invisible Martian. "Come, join me for Oreos and milk." The big man flashed a smile at the stunned Martian.

How could Cap possibly see him?

"I don't have to see you to know where you are," Captain Marvel tapped his head. "Wisdom of Solomon."

Telepathy? Can Cap read minds?

"I can't read minds either but I just know stuff. I make guesses which are always spot on," Big Red's blue eyes twinkled. Was it his imagination? Maybe the light made it a different shade of blue. Come to think of it, his voice sounded slightly off.

J'onn showed himself and sat beside Cap on the mat. "Are you Billy Batson or am I crazy?" His hand automatically picked up an Oreo and popped it into his mouth. There was something so soothing and comforting about Oreos and milk.

Captain Marvel was silent for a while. Then he looked J'onn in the eye. "What do you think?"

"You're a shape shifter. But when you shift into a child you lose all your other powers except your ability to shift back to your real self," J'onn replied.

Cap thought for a long while. "Interesting," he answered.

"That would explain why you and Billy are never seen in the same place together," the Martian Manhunter concluded.

Billy Batson walked into the room.
"Hi guys! What are you talking about?" The tiny child's eyes fell on the spread.
"Oreos!" He jumped onto Cap's lap, grabbed Cap's cup and dunked a cookie in the milk.

The tiny boy's brilliant blue puppy eyes gazed up at J'onn. "Hi J'onn!"

J'onn gently felt the little boy's mind. That's really Billy Batson. He's cracking up. He'd have a chat with the League therapist after this.

But first, Oreos and milk with good company.

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