Under Diana's Wing

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Billy's head throbbed. He could have sworn a bull had gored him.

The last thing he remembered was getting beaten to pulp for not paying protection money. Cap will have to shut down that racket. Photos of Billy's injuries would really help

It hurt to smile but he couldn't help grinning. Worth it. No one else would get hurt once Cap puts those thugs away.

"Billy, how are you feeling?"
That voice. He realized why it's so familiar. Diana. What's she doing here in Fawcett?

He's probably still alive because of her.

"I feel like I got hit by a truck," he groaned.

"I got the guy who did this to you. He told me everything," she rolled her eyes.

"His entire gang is in police custody," she smirked. "I'll testify in court to make sure they stay locked up."

"Thanks, Miss Wonder Woman." Cap would have caught them eventually but her lasso of truth made it a lot easier and faster.

Uh oh. Diana is all about truth.
Panic began to set in. Diana'd find out the truth - he's not Cap's ward, but Captain Marvel himself. Then what? Would the Justice League kick him out?

"Call me Diana." Her smile was soft, her voice gentle, like the fading memories of his mother. Billy blinked away sudden tears.

"Now that you're awake, I'll call Captain Marvel

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"Now that you're awake, I'll call Captain Marvel. He must be worried," Diana pulled out her Justice League communicator.

Billy's eyes darted to his backpack, cringing as Cap's communicator beeped.

Frowning, Diana handed the backpack to him. "Why do you have Cap's communicator?"

"For safe keeping?" He cringed as he pulled out his comms, shuddering at the angry texts and missed calls from Batman.

"Why doesn't he carry it?" Diana quirked a perfect eyebrow.

"The Rock of Eternity doesn't have any reception?" That bit is true. Whenever he returns from the Rock, he gets a whole bunch of missed calls and texts both on his Whiz mobile and Justice League Communicator.

"Does your guardian use you as bait to draw out criminals?" Diana pursed her lips.

"What? No. I'm just unlucky," Billy frowned. What is Diana getting at?

Sighing, Diana handed him a tray of fruit, meat, bread, cheese and a glass of water. "Eat up. Stay put. You need a safe place to recover. I have to go now but I'll be back soon."

"Ok. And Diana?"


"Thanks. For everything," he grinned as he shoved the meat into his mouth. Venison! He licked his lips.

As soon as he was certain she had left the building, Billy pulled himself out of bed. He stifled a yelp of pain as his injured arm and sides protested. Slowly, he made his way to the balcony.

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