Whiz Kid

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"The defeat of the fourth army of alien parasites came with a heavy price.

Many Amazon warriors are still suffering from physical and mental repercussions of the civil war and alien possession.

The Justice League's very own Hawkgirl barely survived," Diana clenched her fists as she gave her account of the Amazon civil war in Billy's telecast for Whiz Network.

"Thank you Miss Wonder Woman," itty bitty Billy Batson, the talk show host beamed up at her.

"Call me Diana," she smiled gently at Captain Marvel's tiny ward in the makeshift studio set up just for Billy

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"Call me Diana," she smiled gently at Captain Marvel's tiny ward in the makeshift studio set up just for Billy.

Captain Marvel refused to be confined to the Watchtower unless his ward could stay with him.

Little Billy refused to stay there unless he could do his broadcasts remotely.

Billy's boss agreed to the arrangements on the condition that Whiz Network gets exclusive scoops and interviews with the heroes, hence her appearance in the talk show, broadcasted live from one of the Watchtower's spare meeting rooms turned temporary studio.

She could see why Cap was so protective towards his ward. That adorable boy could melt anyone's heart.

Personally, she felt that Cap had to be a single father and Billy his only son. The boy was a chip off the old block. His features were just like the Captain's as was his sunny personality. They were both equally stubborn.

What happened to the Captain's wife to leave these two all alone? That's something she could never bring herself to ask the perpetually jovial Captain. The child needed a mother.

"Now folks, we don't know where Mister Mind, the mastermind behind these attacks is. All we know is that he looks like a small green caterpillar wearing a box around his neck and glasses."

The little boy's voice snapped Diana out of her thoughts as an image of Mister Mind drawn by a Whiz Studio artist appeared on the screen.

"If you see him, let us know through the Whiz mobile app."

The tiny boy flashed a bright dimpled grin. That little charmer was after all, Whiz Network's star reporter. The Captain should be so proud of his ward/son.

The teleprompter flashed catching their attention. As Billy read out the words, the big screen showed multiple battles breaking out on shores around the world.

Atlanteans were mounting a global attack on all continents.

The camera zoomed in, showing their king, Aquaman, leading the charge.

Mr Mind's got Arthur!

Armies were driven back as Atlanteans rose from the oceans, marching through the shores, taking down soldiers, tanks and planes with magical weapons.

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