knockturn Allen

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 (The SOUND is DEAFENING as Harry hurtles forward, squinting against the sting of WHIRLING SOOT and the mad, flickering lights of passing fireplaces. He falls face forward...onto a stone hearth. Dizzy and dirty, Harry reclaims his shattered glasses. He's tumbled into a wizard's shop, but a decidedly creepy one. He starts to exit when a WITHERED HAND in a GLASS CASE catches his eye: The Hand of Glory. Nearby, an OPAL NECKLACE gleams)

 Caution: Do not touch it. Cursed--Has Claimed the Lives of Nineteen Muggle Owners to Date. Oddly transfixed by it all, Harry drifts toward the exit, when

Draco and Stella Malfoy and their father, Lucius Malfoy appear beyond the front window, approaching the shop. Harry glances about, spies a LARGE BLACK CABINET, and slips inside. As he pulls the doors closed, a TINY CARD swings INTO VIEW: Crushing Cabinet.

"great a crushing cabinet" 
"get out of there!!!" yelled the female Potters and Harry's friend

The Malfoys and their father enter. A stooped man (MR. BORGIN) emerges from the back room. IN THE CABINET, Harry watches with lovely eyes towards Stella and with hate to The rest , unaware that the walls around him are... slowly

Lucius: don't touch that Draco...Stella keep a eye and you brother
Twins: Yes father

MR. BORGIN: Mr. M-Malfoy! What a pleasure to see you again. If I may, just into day --

Lucius: I'm not buying today, Mr. Borgin. But selling.

" first why would you even go there, second Why are our children there?!" said Narcissa  deadly calm
"I would like to know it to son" said Carina Malfoy

lucius shrink down in his seat , Andromeda and Bellatrix laughed at him.

Mad-eye moody was paying very attention to the screen

Mr. Borgin: Selling?

Lucius Malfoy:  You have heard, of course, that the Ministry of Magic is conducting more raids. There are even rumors of a new Muggle Protection Act... Lucius unravels a roll of parchment, hands it to Borgin. 

Lucius Malfoy :I have a few... ah... items at home that might prove embarrassing if the Ministry were to call. Certain poisons and the like... 


 MR. BORGIN: Hmmm... yes. I see... 

 INSIDE THE CABINET, Harry realizes the walls are CLOSING IN. His eyes shift upward. The ceiling is DROPPING. Draco drifts to the Hand of Glory, reaches out, when... the HAND GRABS HIM. Draco shrieks, manages to slip free, then calms. He eyes the hand with malicious glee. Stella smirked at her brother, Stella ignored and looked at the books in the shop.

people laugh at Draco when he shrieks, they laughed harder even his grandparents had smiles on there faces.

Draco:  Can I have this? 

MR. BORGIN:  Ah, the Hand of Glory. Insert a candle and it gives light only to the holder. Best friend of thieves and plunderers. Your son has fine taste, sir. 

 LUCIUS MALFOY: Hopefully my son will amount to more than a thief, Mr. Borgin. Though if his marks don't pickup -- 

 DRACO:  It's not my fault the teachers have favorites. That Hermione Granger  -- 

 LUCIUS MALFOY:  I would have thought you'd be ashamed that a girl of no wizarding family beat you in every exam. except your sister of course , be more like her.

everyone glared at Lucius, there was a loud slap "How dare you" said a angry Abraxas Malfoy to his son "I didn't teach you to behave like that" said Carina Malfoy angry.

"I'm sorry Draco" said Lucius

"hhhmmm...It doesn't matter it's the past and I have an amazing sister" said Draco

Stella turns to her brother and wispers " don't be like me be you and I'm proud" Draco looked at his sister with happy look "Thank you sister" she nodded and looked further in the shop till she sees book.

the all had a lovely smiley an there faces

 MR. BORGIN:  It's the same all over. Wizard blood is counting for less everywhere. 

 LUCIUS MALFOY:(deadly) Not with me. 

 INSIDE THE CABINET, Harry's knees are up under his chin... Borgin checks off one last time, then returns the parchment to Lucius. Satisfied, Malfoy nods.

 LUCIUS MALFOY :Very good. I'll expect you at the manor tomorrow. Come, Draco, Stella. 

stella steals fast the book when nobody saw. They exit.

nobody saw what she took except Draco, and looked at the screen in question 'what is that book'

As Borgin slips into the back room

"NOW RUN" screams Sirius not wanting his godson to be crushes  

 the Crushing Cabinet's doors FLY OPEN and Harry leaps free. Inside, the walls, floor, and ceiling SNAP SHUT! Borgin reappears, blinks curiously at Harry, then watches him RACE out the door.

Once outside, Harry fits his broken glasses to his face, eyes a STREET SIGN: "KNOCKTURN ALLEY."

everyone yelled.

"they know that we are here right" said ron

"shut up ronald" said ginny

Harry walks further into the streets . The vendors here clearly cater to the Dark Arts: SHRUNKEN HEADS, POISONOUS CANDLES. One window teems with Spiders

people who are afraid of spiders shiver and turn their heads especially ron

 AGED WITCH: Not lost are you, my dear? Harry wheels, looking into the mossy teeth of a decrepit WITCH. She holds a tray of HUMAN FINGERNAILS. 

some grow pale at the sign of that ugly woman

HARRY:  I'm fine, thanks. I'm just -- 

 HAGRID:  HARRY! What d'yer think yer doin'down 'ere? 

"thank you hagrid" said James and Lily in relief and Hagrid smiled at the 2

 HARRY:  Hagrid!.  Hagrid knocks the tray from the cursing Witch's hands, then seizes Harry by the scruff of the neck and steers him away. 


║♥HELLO everyone I'm back my exams are done I will post hopefully more♥                              

║♥tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will post again !                                                                       

║I hope you liked this chapter and have a wonderful day bye☺   ♥                                                     

English Isn' my first language!!

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