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HARRY: Lumos Maxima...

"ooh look harry can't do a spell properly where are we going to write that in the history books" wisperers Stella teasing him, but he just stares at her with there daughter in his hand and the twins are with neville and theo.

The tent BLOOMS SOFTLY with light -- briefly illuminating a bedside PHOTOGRAPH (of James & Lily Potter) -- then goes dark.

HARRY: Lumos Maxima...

The blankets bloom once again when, down the hall, a TOILET FLUSHES. Instantly, the SHADOW stiffens, the blankets DIM, and the tent flattens. Just as... ... the bedroom door OPENS, revealing... UNCLE VERNON. He peers inside, eyes flashing suspiciously, then... withdraws. The tent rises.

"why did he came checking on you" asked Andromeda "I think he done it to see my reaction, and see if he could punish me"ansered Harry "punish you for what " Stella aksed her husband "she doesn't know" ron wispered to Harry but Stella heard it "knows what??"  "ohh that Harry was abused by his relatives, put bars on his window slept in The Cupboard under the Stairs etc."said Hermione knowing that Harry wasn't planning on saying it to Stella "THEY DID WHAT!" yells Stella but the glass windows broke in the great hall,the twins ran to there mother "mom!"the yelled the boys hugged there mom and stella calmed down "we will talk about this later" Stella warns him "reparo" said Minerva. after that the screen began to play again and the boys stayed with there mom.

HARRY: Lumos Maxima...

As the blankets blaze, we CUT INSIDE, find a SKINNY BOY with a crow's nest of black hair, thick glasses sitting crookedly atop his nose: HARRY POTTER. Open before him is Violeta Stitch's Extreme Incantations. Once again, he speaks:


A BLINDING BLAST OF LIGHT FLASHES from the second story window of Number Four. DOGS BARK. And a TITLE CARD appears:

HARRY POTTER and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The light in the hallway SNAPS on, Harry's tent droops once more and, seconds later, Harry's door eases open. Uncle Vernon peers in and switches on the light. The room is utterly SILENT. Slowly, he closes the door.


"ding dong ding dong" clapped little tonks

"oww look at you nymphie" Draco teased her "errr really" she groaned as little teddy laughs at his mom. tonks parents smiled at there older looking daughter.

AUNT PETUNIA: Harry! Harry!

Harry bounds down the stairs and into the front hall, where his AUNT PETUNIA and cousin DUDLEY stand stiffly. Petunia flicks a bit of fluff from Dudley's sweater, glowers crossly at Harry, and jerks her head toward the door.

AUNT PETUNIA: Well, go on. Open it.

Harry reaches for the knob when -- BLAM! -- it BURSTS OPEN, revealing a LARGE, WADDLING WOMAN (AUNT MARGE) and a LARGE WADDLING BULLDOG (RIPPER). Uncle Vernon lurches forward out of the teeming RAIN, an ENORMOUS SUITCASE in hand, and drops it on Harry.

"oh merlin is that a woman?" asked Sirius "yes and that woman is vernon sister " anwers Harry " is that the woman that-" ron began "yes that's her" now everyone looks confused "you'll see"

AUNT PETUNIA: Marge! Welcome! How was the train?

AUNT MARGE: Wretched. Ripper got sick.

AUNT PETUNIA: Ah. How... unfortunate.

Lily laughes knowing that her sister doesn't like animals.

AUNT MARGE: I would've left him with the others, but he pines so when I'm away. Don't you, darling?

Aunt Marge puckers her lips at Ripper and leads him down the hallway. Harry follows with Uncle Vernon. 

HARRY: Uncle Vernon. I need you to sign this form.

"it's your hogsmead letter isn't it?" asked Lily sadly, Harry nodded.

UNCLE VERNON: What is it?

HARRY: Nothing. Something for school... Uncle Vernon eyes the PARCHMENT in Harry's hand suspiciously.

UNCLE VERNON: Later perhaps. If you behave.

HARRY: I will if she does.

AUNT MARGE: (turning, eyeing Harry) So. Still here, are you?


AUNT MARGE: Don't say 'yes' in that ungrateful tone. Damn good of my brother to keep you, if you ask me. (to Vernon, Petunia) It'd have been straight to an orphanage if he'd been dumped on my doorstep.

many people shout at the women

Just then Dudley -- sitting comatose before the TV -- emits a HOLLOW, BRAIN-DEAD CHUCKLE. 

"he is gotting fatter" gasped Frank and Nerville and the father-son duo give each other a smile, Luna helt Neville's hand for support.

AUNT MARGE: Is that my Dudders! Hm? Is that my neffy poo? Come and say hello to your Auntie Marge.

the hall laughed at the nickname, Stella and Bellatrix cackeld , the older Blacks looked at the two with a smile.

Marge flashes a thick FAN of POUND NOTES. Dudley blinks, waddles forward, and extends his plump palm obediently. Harry looks on, then sees Ripper snuffling about his ankle. 


I hope you like it

the next chapter has to wait a little longer but will come

English isn't my firts language 

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