flying to Hogwarts

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HARRY:  This is mad. We can't drive toHogwarts.

many people sat up straighter in interest in what is going to happen

RON:  Who says we're driving?

HARRY:  You don't mean -- Ron, no.

RON:  Look, who knows when Mum and Dadwill get back. And we've got toget to school, haven't we? Andeven underage wizards are allowedto use magic if it's an absoluteemergency. Least that's what Fred and George always say...

HARRY: Something tells me we're going toregret this but let's do it.

"Harry James Potter" Lilly yelled and then looked at James "It's your fault" 
"me why Lilly-flower," James said Innocently
"because he has your brain and also your stupidity" Lilly said

(Ron TAPS his WAND on the dash and the Anglia burbles to life).

HARRY:  No offense, Ron, but are you sure you know how to fly this.

RON:  No problem. (Ron SHIFTS. With a GREAT JOLT, the car lifts from the ground.) 

"woahh" "I want one" "NO"

RON:  There. See. Now I reckon all wehave to do is find the HogwartsExpress and follow it. Simple.

Harry nods, not entirely convinced. He peers out the window. Down below, TWO PEDESTRIANS stare in disbelief.

HARRY:  Uh, Ron. I should tell you. Most Muggles aren't accustomed to seeing a flying car.

RON:  Right. Ron presses a TINY SILVER BUTTON on the dashboard and they... DISAPPEAR. Down below, the baffled pedestrians blink. 

"Padfoot, Moony, Wormtail" "yes" "we should do that" " Pongs I was thinking the exact same thing " padfoot, pongs" "yes moony" "shut up" "why" "because everyone can hear you" smirked Remus, and they shut up while Mia and Monty, Walburga, Orion looked at each other in Horror.

CAMERA STARTS IN the clouds, passes through, finds Scotland's stunning green. The Anglia's ENGINE PUTTERS softly, when -- POP! - the car reappears. Ron jabs at the silver button.

RON:  Uh oh. The Invisibility Booster must be faulty. CAMERA ZOOMS ALONG the ridge of a cliff. The car reappears from above, gliding away FROM CAMERA.

RON:  Any sign of the train?

HARRY:  There! Up ahead! Look... (Along a STEEP BRIDGE, a single line of TRAIN TRACKS appear.) 

 RON:  Brilliant. (Ron SHIFTS, GLIDES DOWN, until the Anglia is only a few feet above the tracks. The boys peer ahead, looking for the train)

RON: It must be around here someplace. (Behind them, through the Anglia's rear window, the Hogwarts Express APPEARS, closing fast. Harry and Ron perk up. Smile.)

"Drive " "turn" was heard in the hall Lilly took James hand , Molly hide behind little Charlie not wanted to see it , the train woke Tonks and Bill , they look founly at the screen "chugga choo" some had a smile on there faces while some looked worried for the children

HARRY:  Do you hear that?

 Then, at precisely the same moment, Harry and Ron register the DIRECTION of the sound. They glance at each other, turn as one and see the train GROWING HUGE in the rear window.

HARRY/RON:  Aaaahhhhh! 

some years yelled with them, and then stopped and turned red

 Ron SPINS THE WHEEL, puts his foot to the gas and -- at the last possible second -- whips the Anglia out of the train's path. The car WAFFLES, TOPPLES upside down briefly, before... 

.. TILTING onto its side. As it jets under the bridge, Harry goes SLIDING DOWN ACROSS HIS SEAT, into the door, and... OUT. Dangling upside-down from the open door, he watches the Hogwarts Express ZIP PAST and

"oh I can't watch" Lily said and turned away from the screen James chucked a bit until he saw his mother glare

 in one window, glimpses NEVILLE and SEAMUS mouths open in astonishment.

NEVILLE: what are they doing
SEAMUS: they are in a flying car

NEVILLE: I need to go to Stella she needs to see this.( he runs out of the train compartment to look for Stella and then he opens the door and sees Draco, Stella, Gabe , Goyle, Pansy and Daphne)

"why are you going to get Star- Stella" said Harry
"I don't know a feeling " siad neville

they turned there heads, NEVILLE: I-I'm sorry to bother you all but may I need Stella for a little moment.

DRACO: how dare you to come here you Blood-

Narcissa glared at Draco as he ran behind Theo "Sorry Neville " said Draco
"Mrs Malfoy it's alright" Neville said helping Draco a little , Narcissa smiled at Neville and nodded her head

STELLA: Draco!!...Of course I will come.

With that she leaves with Neville but not before giving Draco a hard glare

 RON:  Take my hand! Harry's grips Ron's hand, eyes the train steaming far below. It's quite a drop. Harry's fingers begin to LOSE THEIR GRIP.

RON:  Hold on!

HARRY: no I'm sleeping what do you think I'm doing! and  Your hand's allsweaty! 

"Sassy Harry" said Ginny " we love sassy harry" said Hermiome

 Straining, Ron yanks him inside, levels off the car. As Harry falls heavily into his seat, he BUCKLES his safety belt.

HARRY:  I think we found the train. Ron nodded his head

it the train

STELLA: awwww what a shame

NEVILLE: w-why t-they could have been dead

STELLA: that's the point , they look at stella in confusion

STELLA: one they miss the train two they took a flying car and 3 they could easily owl Hogwarts but no those dum-asses took the flying car to go to hogwarts and I bet the mrs Weasley will howl Ron

SEAMUS: 10 galleons if I say it won't happend

STELLA: smired at him, well you are going to lose 10 Galleons

"who won" said Barty jr
"Never bet with Stella" said Neville

"Mother" said Draco as the whole hall looked at Draco as he began "This year is going to be ups and dawns with me and  Stella and it's going to brake our friendship this school year but I have apologized to everyone at the end of this year"

"what have you done" said Narcissa 

"you will see, and I'm not my younger self I'm a new person but you could always blame father" said Draco. they stop talking and turn back at the screen white  one thing in mid what's going to happend


tomorrow next chapter if I can if not the next day 

after tomorrow I hope you liked it 

English isn't my first language so sorry for the spellings

bye ♥♥♥♥

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