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-Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Naruto characters. They belong to Masashi Kishimoto and Tv Tokyo.-
So.. Welcome officially to my story. Before anything i must tell you this. The tittle of this book is "the lost hatake" (kakashi fanfic) you can see the fanfic but.. This book isnt actually entirely fanfic. the love part, begins in the second book. Dont get me wrong, there might be a little love. But just a little. . Since now I apologize for the grammar. Most mistakes will be spaces, letters, grammar, or the actual word xD, sorry. Please enjoy!!
"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!!!" I yelled entering to his room and making a hand sign.

"Natalie.. What the hell are you doing" he asked confused.

Okay so let me explain. Since I started watching Naruto I would bother my brother with hand signs. I also call him nii-san. But his real name is Max. I also make this japanese sentence and he will get annoyed. I talk to him about Naruto stuff... He rarely actually listens to me, but I still so it and, well, he loves me!

"Its a shadow clone you idiot" I said laughing a little

"Cool" he said. I frowned and stuck my tongue out at him. It was morning and today I had school, ew. I went to take my backpack.

"Take care today at school" He said. I looked at him and smiled. I went to take the iPad. He doesnt like when I take the iPad but I took it anyways, and ran to the door before he noticed.

"Are you seriously taking the iPad?" He said.

"Yep!" I said and closed the door before he could tell me anything else. I smiled to myself because of what I just did.

I went to brush my hair. I had it all messy. I brushed it and put it in a high pony tail. I have brown hair and brown eyes. Im fair skinned, tall and skinny. Today I had black jeans, a blue squared shirt with a hood, and white high converse. I dont like to be really girly.. I find it.. Girly. I hate skirts and blouses.

I went to the kitchen and made myself a toast with butter super fast. When it was ready I went straight to the door.

"Im off!!" I half yelled. I exited my house and took my bike and went to the school.

As you can see I dont have any parents. My brother told me they died in a car accident. I never got to know them but I guess he did. He tells me this awesome stories about our parents. They seem preety cool. I wish i couldve meet them.

I arrived school like 15 minutes later. I went to the locker to retrieve the books I needed for the day and went to the class room. I opened te door and look straight at my best friend elizabeth. I call her lizzy, though. We stared at each other for what seemed forever. I dropped my backpack and opened my arms for a hug.

"Hug me brother." I said.

Everything that happend after that was in slow motion. She came running and I concentrated. She jumped in my arms and I spinned her around a little. Nobody was looking at us. If you thought everybody would be looking at us, youre wrong. My friends were already used to this kind of stuff. I finally put her down.

"Yo" she said.

"Yo" I said as I picked my backpack and went to my seat. I seated down and started drawing. What can I really say? I love to draw, it is my hobbie, and guess what I'm drawing? Yup, Naruto characters. Im just so obssesed. Before I knew it Lizzy was sitting next to my seeing what i was drawing.

"Again. Naruto characters" she said. Okay so let me tell you a little about Lizzy. Lizzy loves vocaloids! She watches a lot of animes as I do. She doesnt watch Naruto because it is too long. I started watching it when it wasnt that long so i got to see it. She gets tired of me when I draw or do Naruto shit so i dont talk much about it to her.

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