Our new Sensei

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Namika's *POV*

Kakashi and I talked as we walked to the academy.

"Your hair looks nice today!" I said.

"Why you say so?" He asked

"Havnt i always said I love hour haircut!" I said super excited, he nodded, awkwardly.

Once we got to the academy he jumped off. I guess he needs to do something for the upcoming sensei assigning, which will be in two days..I entered the academy and saw Naruto all deppresed. If only he knew. I walked to him.

"Naruto.. Dont worry you will pass" i said smiling

"O-Of course I will!!" He said. I laughed because I knew he was unsure. I sat next to him and Iruka sensei arrived. The classroom grew quiet as we payed attention to Iruka-sensei.

"We will now start the final exam." He began. "If your name is called, come to the classroom next door." He continued "the subject will be: shadow clone jutsu" he finished. Naruto was dessesperated. I knew he thought that it was his worse jutsu.. Poor him.

Iruka-sensei kept calling names of the students, and one by one they were going to the next room. Finally they called Naruto. He gulped and stood up. I grabbed his hand.

"No matter what happens in there. You will pass" i said.

"I hope so" he said with a faint smile. I let go and he walked next door. I know he will fail. But what can I do? Thats how the story goes. Iruka-sensei called my name.

"W-what!?" Sakura said.

"Is she seriously taking the exam??" Ino said.

"She only has like a week here!" Sakura exclaimed.

"She has one week. But she is better than most of you." One of the senseis said. They all gasped. I did nothing, i dont like to be a show-off so i just looked down. They all stayed im silence so I walked next door.

I did the hand signs and performed the jutsu perfectly. I did 5 perfect copies of myself.

"Congratulations!" Iruka and mizuki said in unison.

"Thanks..." I said

"Whats wrong?" Iruka sensei asked.

"You should be careful Iruka." I began looking at mizuki "not all people are what they look like" I said and exited the room.

I went to the bathroom and placed my headband in my head. I didnt want to put it in my arm or my waist, that would look to weird, so i placed it traditionally, covering the forhead. I looked fine so I went out. I was going to eat because i didnt want to return home. Kakashi wouldnt be there. Ill go to the park or something after this.

I sat down on one of the benches around the academy to eat my lunch. I had brought a cheese sandwich. It was good.. Kakashi had prepared this. It was touched by kakashis hands, this is sacred. Leaving the kakashi-crazy namika back, I started eating the sandwich. I took my phone out and started reading the next Naruto Manga.

"What are you doing?" Someone said from behind me. I startled and looked back.

"What the hell!?" Then I noticed it was Sasuke. "Oh.. Its you Sasuke. Whats up" i said calming down.

"Nothing. What is that?" He asked. I was holding an iPhone 5s in the ninja world. Omfg. What should I answer.

"Oh, its a box.. A strange box.. My dad left it to me before he died." I lied. Nothing else came to my mind.

"Oh, ok." He said. He remained there, standing infront of me. This was getting awkward.

"You know.." He began looking away. Then he grew serious "How do you know about my revenge?" He said. Shit, i forgot i told him that. I stood silent.

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