Chapter 2: The Bus Journey

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Hyper: Ok, we've got 12 hours, Eric I recommend you stay next to the trash bags.
Spider: Hyper how much food did you pack?
Hyper: The Cosmos blades can produce infinite amounts of food, like legit anything you want I'll generate it.
(The Cosmos Blades are unexplained, they will be explained soon maybe)
Spider: Cheezits.
*generates cheezits*
Spider: Holy shit, these are amazing *eats* Hyper these are the best Cheezits I've ever had.
Hyper: Yeah, Best flavour, I analysed your taste buds and decided whats best.
Spider: I'm not- I don't- I don't know what to say.
*making out noises*
Nick: What's going on up there?
Maroon: I think Mal's getting a little taste of a 'Sammiwich'.
Nick: Very ironic how you say that while playing Fortnite, you little queer.
Maroon: Fuck you, Hyper give me a fresh bucket of coke, but not McDonalds coke, normal coke.
*powder comes out of cosmos blades*
Maroon: Not that coke, Coca Cola coke.
Hyper: Oh my bad, wait where'd the Cocaine-coke go?
Maroon: He did it, it went on my crotch, he sniffed my balls.
Nick: I knew you were gay.
Maroon: I'M NOT!
Nick: You didn't stop him.
Maroon: AUGH!
Nick: ',:)
*a few hours pass*
Nick: What the hell there's still making out sounds upstairs, I'm checking it out.
Mal: Nice!
Nick: Oh my god, Mal are you watching porn?
Mal: Maybe.
Nick: Can I get in on that?
Mal: Go fuck yourself it's not anime girls.
Maroon: Hyper Mal's watching porn.
Hyper: Lemme get some tissues and lotion.
Spider: I think this story has gone too far, it's stepped over the line, Mal doesn't even watch porn he just says bad stuff and whatnot.
Hyper: When you said 'whatnot' that was only the 300th word of this chapter, the other one had like 378, this chapter kinda sucks ass. Sammi, Eric or Iron haven't talked jack-shit, and it's really annoying typing 'Sammi' because those dumbass red squiggly lines pop up underneath the word and this is definitely not being typed to give in filler so the word count is extended it is totally not, I give up trying it is filler, now lets get back to an actual storyline, including Sammi!
*an hour passes*
Sammi (woohoo): Is anyone asleep yet?
Mal: Nah, it hasn't been that long, only 2 ho-
Sammi: I think Eric just threw up, because it fucking smells in here.
Mal: Now it smells, mmmmm like skin-berries.
Hyper: Just me with a little spray, yeah Eric threw up, its gone though.
Mal: Hyper it's only been 2 hours, how long is the journey?
Hyper: About 16,20, I don't fucking know.
Mal: Fuck me in the ass, what are we gonna do for 16 hours.
Hyper: You gotta feel for Iron, you know what I'm gonna generate someone to drive, Iron, stop the bus!
*bus stops*
*iron walks out, generated person walks in*
Iron: Hey guys, hope I haven't missed anything.
Hyper: Mal masturbated or watched porn I don't know-
Mal: Yeah thanks I'm right fucking here.
Hyper: Eric threw up, Spider's on coke nothing much.
Iron: Where is Spider?
Hyper: He's on top of the bus being hit with poles by Japanese Women.
Iron: You should get him down, the bus is going 'fly mode' or something.
Hyper: I couldn't come up with a good name.
Sammi: Hey Mal, wanna watch me scam someone in BGS?
Mal: Yeah sure.
*Sammi scams someone for a shiny Beta TV*
*everyone is giving a heavy death-stare at Mal*
Mal: Nice guy, what a fucking nice guy.
*a few hours pass and the bus starts to get shaky*
Iron: Guys quick! GRAB ONTO SOMETHING:

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