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BONNIE COULD FINALLY EXHALE. She lowered her gun and put it behind the waistband of her jeans. She rubbed her palm against her forehead, thinking of sons. Bonnie knew that they would be okay, they had to. But each passing moment was more dreadful than the last. She hissed when her palm reached the wound on by her brow.

With a final sigh, she turned and went back downstairs.

It was now only the three of them - Rick, Carl and Bonnie, after the prison was left in crumbs. They made a good way away from it, finding a house they could stay in for the night.

When Bonnie entered the living room she could smell the tension between Rick and Carl, they had been fighting. They were grieving, hungry and tired. "The upstairs clear." She called out.

They pushed up a couch to the house's door.

She firstly made her way to Carl, taking off his hat and taking his chin in her hand, she searched him for any scratches or wounds. The moonlight illuminated his tired face. "You're clean." Bonnie put his hat back on. "Get some sleep, okay?"

Carl nodded, "Okay." Carl sat down on a mattress by the fireplace.

Bonnie then turned to Rick, "Let's go, I'll check out your leg. There's a first aid kit in the upstairs bathroom."

"I'm fine." Rick bit out. His western accent got on her nerves more than usual right now.

"Do I have to drag your ass up there?" She knew that maybe she was too rough with him, but she was tired too.

When he didn't answer, she just grabbed his wrist and pulled him up the stairs.

When they entered the bathroom it wasn't as dark as the downstairs living room. She could now fully see the damage on Rick's face. It had turned even worse. His right eyes was now a deep shade of red and his lip was more swollen. And by the way she could hear his every breath, it indicated that his ribs were messed up.

"Sit." She pointed to a stool before turning and grabbing the med kit.

With a panful wheeze Rick sat down. Bonnie turned and leaned towards his leg. She spotted the whole in his jeans and felt the back of his leg. "Exit wound, you're in luck."

Things had been tense between them ever since their fight in the prison.

Rick didn't say anything.

Bonnie tore the whole in his jeans bigger, revealing the ugly flesh wound. "I'm gonna clean it now, this might sting." She cleaned the wound with alcohol, yet not a sound came from Rick, she just felt his leg muscle tense from time to time. The few times she looked up to him, she saw him staring at the door behind her.

After more minutes of quietness, she had already wrapped his leg.

"Now your face." She dabbed some more alcohol onto some cotton pads and started to clean the wounds on his face.

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