7. wake up, I'm here pt1

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A/n: feel free to comment and vote 🫂 actually please do comment and vote 🫶🏻
Also, Anakin/Darth was such a dork lol, never swore once.

Chapter 7

"Wake up sister, wake up."

The memory of previous events had dawned on me as I fluttered my eyes open. Shifting around I had noticed my bounded hands... like as if that would stop me from using the force. Looking around the dim lit cell I was held in, I noticed my lightsaber was nowhere on me on near me. Well shit. A lightsaber is the life of whoever wields it, in a sense. So, me losing mine or having it taken from me by my abductors would be pretty bad. If Vader were here, he would've walloped my head, lecturing me on being responsible for my belongings especially my very own lightsaber.

Sensing Vader's force signature, I called out, "Darth?" he couldn't be near, could he? There was no way the abductors would hold me in a location so close to The Devastator and there was no way they would've gotten my brother either. I mean come on; they wouldn't risk it. Only a few seconds later, a response came by, "Al? Is that you or is my head messing with me?" His voice was so... shaky, in pain. His voice felt raw to my ears, like as if he was there next to me at one of the windows in The Devastator, observing the galaxy's magnificent beauty. Yet it also felt like it was just a voice in my head, a thought.

Wanting to test my theory I spoke up hoping for another response, "Yeah, it's me. What the f- sorry... I mean, what's happening?" I said biting back your profanity, a habit I had which occasionally results in my brother chiding me for. The silence was deafening, and my ears almost popped from it. I felt a further pull towards the unknown and then a familiar voice suddenly rang out from behind, "This can't be... a dyad in the force." Whipping my head around I saw Darth standing there facing me as the room slowly fades away from my vision.

A dyad? Okay haven't read about that... growing impatient from the loud silence as it buzzed, "Okay now enough with the theatrics, what's that and why do you look so... so... weird. Like as if you suddenly lost the ability to speak-" I cut myself off as his mouth opens to speak but only closes after 1.1 milliseconds.

"I'll quote unquote this word for word from what I've read and heard. A Force dyad, also known as a dyad in the Force, was a rare type of Force-bond that paired two Force-sensitive beings, making them one in the Force. The power of a dyad was as strong as life itself, with the individuals forming the dyad sharing a connection that spanned across space and time." Vader quickly says looking up as he speaks trying to remember every important fact with his hands held up expressing himself. I simply nodded trying to register the information, "So we're a force dyad and you're not even here?" "Well, I AM here but I'm also not because I'm back on The Destroyer so... if you know where you are would you enlighten me?" Vader speaks, his sentence ending with a sarcastic tone causing my eyes to automatically roll in annoyance.

Sighing, I slouch over, "I don't know where I am exactly but I'm in this dim lit cell right now I believe. Sorry, there's not much to give..." standing up I approached the bars of my cell giving it a shake. Huh, these bars don't seem good quality. It was old and rusty, weak. Looking down I noticed sand. Reaching down, I grab a handful of it to feel. Tatooine, I was somewhere on Tatooine.

"Tatooine huh, I hate sand..." Vader says causing you to gasp loudly, "Hold up, I didn't say anything, nor did I tell you I saw or felt sand. Did you read my- OH MY GOD you did!" ew I sound like Janice from f.r.i.e.n.d.s anyway not the point, what the *bleep*?

Wide eyed Vader rushed a response, "WHA- I- NO I DIDN'T I SWEAR ON MY HAIR! It was the dyad, your thoughts connected to mine! I swear!!" quick to blame the dyad, Vader stumbles upon his own words like whenever he played advanced-level tongue twisters with me.

Hearing the sound of feet approaching, my train of thoughts were cut short, "someone's coming." I said in a hushed tone, making sure no one heard me, or they'll start questioning annoyingly. I waited for the feel of loss in the force, but it never came, "I'm still here sister." I breathed out, a short-lived smile playing on my lips. Well, that's a dyad for you... or technically, for me.


Short chapter (835 words), we now know this duo is powerful in a sense sooo woohoo. Will post chapter 8 when I'm done with it. The people of middle earth will appear soon, once we get our babes Alaneth back and I'm working on that.



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