Barry and Caitlin hang out which ends in a first kiss

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Caitlin POV:
I arrived at Jitters and saw Barry waiting at a table. I go to him and I said, "Hey Barry." Barry smiled and he says, "Hey Caitlin." I sat down and we ordered coffees. We talked about everything and anything in our lives. I was enjoying my time with Barry and I could tell he was having fun too.

Barry POV:
Caitlin and I have so much in common. We were having so much fun that a lunch date turned into a dinner one and I enjoyed the time I spent with Caitlin. After that we walked in the park and our hands brushed against each other. I saw Caitlin blush when our hands touched and I smiled a little.

Caitlin POV:
When our hands touched I blushed and we moved closer together. Our hands intertwined together and I laid my head on Barry's shoulder. We walked around for a bit and after awhile Barry takes me home. I look at him and I said, "I had a great time Barry."

Barry POV:
I smiled and I said, "I had a great time too. I guess we had a lot to talk about considering our lunch date turned into a dinner one." We laughed and Caitlin says, "I know right?" I loved her smile and I said, "It was fun." We turn to face each other and I realized how close we were to each other.

Caitlin POV:
I blushed when I saw how close we were to each other as I looked better Barry's eyes and his lips. I look back to his eyes and saw him doing the same. Barry leans down but stops just before our lips meet and a second later I pushed forward until our lips connected. Barry pulls me closer and holds me.

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