Barry finds out he has super speed and he talks with Caitlyn

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Caitlin POV:
After Barry left I went to my office and looked at a picture of Ronnie. For the last 9 months I've helped take care of Barry and I found myself gaining a crush on him. A few hours later Barry came rushing in claiming to be able to run at super speed and I was skeptical about it. We go to an abandoned airstrip and I said, "Do you guys actually believe he could move that fast?" I was checking some calculations and Dr. Wells says, "Only time will tell." Barry came out and I thought he looked cute.

Barry POV:
I stood there in a suit that Cisco had built and Caitlin came over to check my vitals before the tests starts. When our eyes met Caitlin moved hair from her face since it was windy and she says, "What's with the staring?" I shook my head as I shrugged and I said, "I just noticed that you don't smile so much." Caitlin looked me in the eye and she says, "the accident that put you in a coma killed my fiance and put my boss in a wheelchair. My once promising career in scientific doctor went down the drain the day of the accident. So this gloom expression seems appropriate for me."

Caitlin POV:
I go back to the table and I said, "We're all ready to go." A second later Barry took off so fast that it nearly blew me off my feet and I smiled slightly. A minute later he crashed into some water barrels and I said, "BARRY!" We go to him and took him to S.T.A.R Labs. He healed within an hour which was impressive and I was glad he was okay.

Barry POV:
A few hours later I was walking with Iris after finding out that she was dating Joe's partner and I found someone else that was affected by the accelerator explosion. I went back to S.T.A.R Labs and I said, "I wasn't the only one affected by the explosion was I?" They look at me and Wells says, "we don't know for sure." They should me the map and I said, "I saw a man control the weather." I was pacing and Cisco says, "Cool! I look at him and I said, "No not cool Cisco! Someone died today."

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