Caitlin POV:
Months later I was in a happy relationship with Barry and things were going great. One day Barry brought in Murdon or as Cisco likes to call him 'weather wizard' and locked him in the pipeline without an explination. Barry was getting better at his speed and a day before Christmas the Reverse flash showed himself and he beat up Barry before disappearing again.Barry POV:
I was with Iris at the water front when a huge tidal wave came towards the city and I had to explose myself as the flash to Iris. I ran back and forth to make a barrier which made me Reverse time by a day. I got Murdon and put him in the pipeline. Weeks later I got pissed because the reverse flash was back and I couldn't catch him.Cisco POV:
Lately I've been having dreams where Dr. Wells was the Reverse flash and he killed me by sticking me in the chest with his Vibrating hand. After Barry told us that Dr. Wells wasn't who he said he was I told them about my dreams and Joe says, "What happens in this dream of yours?"Caitlin POV:
We all look at Cisco and he says, "Dr. Wells is the Reverse flash and he kills me." Everyone was quiet and we built a device to help Cisco get more information about it. Once we did we couldn't believe it and Dr. Wells called Barry about a fire. We had to all act natural around Dr. Wells so he didn't get suspicious while Cisco and Joe went to Barry's childhood home to find out more about that night.Joe POV:
We go to Barry's childhood home and the new homeowner was extremely nice. Everything looked different except the mirror that was there that night and Cisco created a device that could show us what happened that night.Cisco POV:
We saw the whole thing from the mirror images and we found some splattered blood on the wall under new wall paper. I took some to test it and we went to SCPD to ask if we could see the crash site from the night Dr. Wells claimed he was in a car crash with his wife. I pull out a device that will look for Tachyons and Captain Lance's drink started floating which told us we were in the right area.Joe POV:
Cisco uncovered some bones and we had them tested. The results came back as Dr. Wells which meant Barry's hunch about Dr. Wells being the Reverse flash was true. We took the bones back to Central city and we told the others about it.
Flash: A SnowBarry Love Story
RomanceFor years Barry thought he loved his childhood best friend, Iris West, but that was until he met Dr. Caitlin Snow when he wakes up 9 months after getting struck by lightning from the particle accelerator explosion caused by S.T.A.R Labs. What will h...