Lizzy goes back to the past and goes bad for a little bit

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Caitlin POV:
We went back to the past or well the present and we told the team about what happened. Barry was upset because Thawne got to Lizzy and that Lizzy went into the negative speed force. Alarms went off and I said, "It's coming from the archives."

Barry POV:
I went to the archives and saw Lizzy stealing some information. I was shocked and when she ran her eyes were red. Soon we found her with a few criminals and we found out she was just using them to get what she wanted. After that we finished Cicada and all of us went to the future to deal with Thawne.

Lizzy POV:
As we fought Thawne I felt the negative tackions starting to become too much and I started to disintegrate. I looked at my feet and I said, "Mom? Dad?" They look at me and I looked at them. Thawne told us the only way to safe me was to take me into the negative speed force and dad took me but I couldn't do it because I felt myself becoming like Thawne but I couldn't do that.

Caitlin POV:
They came back and we all started talking all at once. We tried getting Lizzy to go back into the negative speed force and she says, "NO. I can feel myself becoming like Thawne." We held her and I said, "We love you Lizzy." Soon Lizzy evaporated into blue particles and we sobbed as she did.

Barry POV:
I held Caitlin close and we both cried over the lose of our daughter. After a little bit we went back to the present and we told Joe about Lizzy's death. All of us were grieving and I took it the hardest because it was Thawne who told her about the negative speed force in the first place.

Caitlin POV:
Barry became kind of distant after what happened with Lizzy and I understood why. A few weeks later we had a new enemy to deal with and Barry was a pro about it.

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