Ch. 4: Shopping!

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We zipped over to the mall in no time.  Ariel pulled back a little as I pulled her through the door.  She wasn't real good with big buildings.  "It's okay." I said soothingly.  The mall wouldn't be so crowded since it was late.  I dragged her first to the most important place, Kohl's.  

First we had to get bras.  I didn't want to be pervy and look at Ariel's boobs, so I just bought a few different sizes.  

Next I went by shirts.  A really pretty one hung right there on the rack.  I smiled when I imaged her in it, then I checked the price.  "30 dollars for a shirt!?" I yelled in outrage.   I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped.  An employee stood there.  "It's a good quality shirt."  

"With a ridiculous price!" I finished.  I grabbed Ariel by the hand and we made our way to the clearance section.  We got a few t-shirts and hoddies then came across a pretty dress.  It had a swirl of country with a some elegance.  I absolutely loved it.  Dresses like these made me wish I was a girl.  

I thrust the dress into Ariel's arms and signed, try it on.  She shrugged and started to pull up her shirt.  "No!  Not here!"  I pulled her into one of the dressing rooms then stood outside and waited.  I heard her fumble and fall in the dressing room, I hoped she knew how to put it on.   

She finally came out and I was stunned.  I had to say that she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.  Not even a celebrity could match her glow in that dress.  It was like that dress was made for her.  It fit perfectly and looked lovely on her.  Somehow it made her hazel eyes that much more beautiful.  

Ariel looked at me anxiously.  I knew she wanted to get out of the dress.  I had to buy it for her.  She needed something nice for church anyway.  I looked at the price tag.  20 dollars, better than the shirt.   Next we got some shoes.  I got her some blue tennis shoes for when she wanted to run, some flats, and some heels.  

We got some jeans and finally made it out.  We had to get out quick before my shopping instinct kicked in, something I got from my mother.  Once I saw something I like, you had better get me out.  

The register worker looked at me strangely when we took our stuff to the check out area.  "Buying a whole wardrobe, are we?" She said with a laugh.  "Well, her old stuff was outdated and too small for her, so..." I let that sentence hang in the air for emphasis.  

I was surprised when we made it out with my wallet still intact.  

We both slept in the bed that night.  "Goodnight Nathan." I could barely hear Ariel murmur.  "Goodnight Ariel." I whispered with a smile.  

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