Who are you talking too? Really sick part 1

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Bailey's POV

"NO LOUIS PLEASE DONT I PLEADED" But he just started laughing while coming closer and closer with Marmalade.


"Oh really" he said with a big smirk on his face. he took the Marmalade and tried to shove it  in my mouth but i started screaming and flipping out because Marmalade brought back bad memories.


I was in school sitting at a table all alone until Briana and her friends came up and started calling my names. They knew i hated the taste of Marmalade so everyday they pined me down and stuck spoon fulls of it in my mouth. I threw up every time and all they did was laugh.


"Whats wrong Bailey?" Louis said while dropping the Marmalade and un tying me. He looked worried. I now had tears in my eyes. I didn't say anything and i just kept crying into his chest. I stopped crying and looked up and saw a sorry looking Louis.

"Whats wrong?" he said now picking me up and putting me on the couch.

"Nothing" i mumbled and stared down at the floor.

"Yes there is now tell me" Louis said.

"Nothing's wrong honestly" i said still looking at the floor.

"Tell me right now" Louis said now getting a bit annoyed.

"NOTHING IS WRONG" i yelled and stomped of to my room. I was really mad at Louis for keeping on about that subject.

"i am never coming out of my room again" i screamed.

"You will come out when you hungry" Niall shouted back.


Harry's POV

About 5 minutes later Bailey came out of her room and came into the kitchen.

"i am hungry" she said while looking at the flooring. I laughed a little bit and made her some Bacon and eggs.

"I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO I TOLD YOU SO " niall came in shouting  and pointing his finger in Baileys face. He started laughing and jumping around. Bailey  looked angry and kicked in the leg knocking him on the floor. He let out a little whimper and stayed on the floor. i laughed. Next thing i knew Nikki came in and looked at Niall and said

"GET UP YOU BABY PIG" (sorry niall i love you) Bailey and i looked at her shocked but she didn't care. She just walked away while pushing Bailey to get out of her way. Bailey was about to fly into her but i stopped her and told her its not worth it.

"Whats her problem" Niall said with a tear in his eye.

"I dont know" i said while scratching my head.

"Will hurry up and make my breakfest so i can go back to my room" bailey yelled, while tapping her foot.

"That's enough of you attitude missy Liam said while walking into the kitchen. Sorry she mumbled and sat down at the table.

"So why did you put spoons everywhere in my room?" Liam said while standing in front of her.

" UMMM i donnt know" she said not wanting to deal with this right now.

"yes you do and we are going to get you back" he said with a smirk and walked out of the room.

I made Bailey breakfest and she ate it. She went towards her bed room door but Zayn was in the door frame.

Adopted By One Direction *In Editing*Where stories live. Discover now