Nikki strikes back!! PART 1

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Bailey's POV 

Its been 2 weeks since the Nikki thing and i am totally over it. I cant believe she would do such a thing. Anyway enough about that little slug. I went down stairs to take my pill and eat breakfast but i was stopped by getting picked up and dragged into a room.

I started kicking and screaming before i realized it was just Louis.

"What in the world do you think you doing Louis?" i shouted.  

"Keep your mouth shut" he said while putting his hand over my mouth.

"OK" i mumbled into his hand but it sounded more like this mokkjdj. He took his hand away from my mouth and told me that Harry is still sleeping. I looked at him with a confused face but then it hit me. He wants to play a prank on Harry. I went into my room and got my straightener. I tip toed into Harry's room with Louis right behind me.

I walked over to him and Louis plugged the straightener in and i was about to take a piece of harry's hair but he popped up out of the bed and grabbed me. I dropped the straightener and tried to get out of his deathly grip. I couldnt and he  dragged me in the bed with him and cuddled into me.

"GROSS HARRY" i screamed.

"What do you mean gross harry?" he said with a smirk.

"Your in you underwear" i growled. He laughed but would let me go.

"Harry your all sweaty" i said  still trying to get out of his grip.

" I will let you go but you have to give me a kiss" he said with a smirk.

"Louis help" i screamed. He just stood there laughing.

"You guys are jerks" i said low enough so that they wouldn't hear me. But they did and when they did Harry held me closer to him.

"Now give me a kiss" he said puckering out his lips.

"RAPE" i yelled over and over again but nobody came and Harry and Louis just laughed even harder. I finally got one of my arms free and i hit Harry the leg which caused him to let go. I  ran out the door has fast as i could .

But Harry was right behind me still saying give me a kiss.

"Never" i yelled and ran behind Liam.

"Liam help" i said pointing at Harry Liam just laughed and moved out of Harrys way. I ran into the living room but tripped up in some bodies shoe. When i looked up it was Niall with a big smirk on his face.

"Jerk" i said and went to get up but was pounced on by Harry.

"OWW harry" i yelled. He laughed and he tried to kiss me.

But  he couldnt because i kept putting my hand up in front of my face.

" Zayn!" he yelled,

"What?" Zayn said coming into the room.

"Come hold down Bailey;s hands" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Ok" Zayn said coming over and holding me down.

"I hate you" i yelled before having harrys gross slobbery lips on mine.

"HARRY THAT IS SO GROSS" I YELLED and he just laughed.

"AND YOU WERE IN YOUR UNDERWEAR" I YELLED again. He laughed and then Louis came in and looked at me he also had a smirk on his face.

" What now?" i said annoyed. He came rushing over to me. I was  still pined to the floor by Zayn. Louis stuck out hiss tongue and licked my face.

Adopted By One Direction *In Editing*Where stories live. Discover now