Chapter 3

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(It's my bday !!)

August quickly took his hands off of her. "Steve,I don't love you." "I never will." "And..I don't need anybody." August sighed. "Yeah..I understand." Steve said as he smiled but August didn't smile. Dustin and Robin opens the door and saw them. "There you are!" Dustin said as he grabbed Steve and Augusts hand. "We need to go now." "We lost battery in our walkie talkie." Dustin said. Steve sighed.

They walked out the door and saw Russians standing outside. "Go,go,go!" Dustin whispered the Russian stared to see them run and hide behind a table. The Russian raised up his gun about to scare and shoot them. Suddenly a rare car in the mall started to beep behind him. The Russian turned around in confusion. The car rises up and got thrown on him.

Steve,August,Dustin,and Robin sat up with a shocked face. They looked upstairs and it was Eleven,Nancy,Jonathan,Max,Mike,Lucas,Will,and Erica. They all ran downstairs and started to hug (except for August.) "You did that like a hot wheel!" Dustin said. Eleven laughed. A few minutes later everyone was talking until they heard Eleven fall on the ground. "El!?" Mike said as they all ran to her. "My leg hurts!" Eleven said crying. They all looked at her leg and saw a creature in it. Eleven started to cry in more pain every time it moved. Eleven started to close her eyes as she was about to die. "EL!" Mike yelled shaking her. The creature moved more and Eleven started screaming. August got up and grabbed a knife. "What are you doing!?" Nancy asked as August came back. "Saving her." "Bite this." August said. Eleven got the spoon and put it in her mouth.

August stabbed the spoon in her leg and she started screaming as it was in her mouth. "STOP!" Eleven yelled. August stopped and watched her sit up. "I can do it." Eleven sighed. She started to use her powers to get it out. She started screaming the glass broke everywhere. The creature came out of her leg and she threw it on the ground.

Suddenly a man stepped on it. It was Hopper and behind him it was Murray and Joyce. "El!" Hopper said as he ran to her. "Oh,dear." Joyce said shocked. Hopper started to sit right beside her. "What the hell happened here?" Murray asked. "I don't have time to explain." Lucas sighed. A few minutes later everyone got weapons ready to fight. Steve walked up to August and sat by her. "You know..we might not talk again." Steve said. August looked at him with a face. "Im glad that we won't." August said as she put bullets in her gun. She got up and walked by Will and Max.

Max stared at Nancy getting guns. "Your gonna kill Billy,right?" Max said frowning. "This is just for protection,okay?" Nancy slightly smiled. Max nodded. "Not just billy..the mindflayer." Will said. Max looked at him and nodded again. Suddenly August looked up and saw a creature standing on top of the building trying to break through. She started to walk closer to it. "Mike..?" August said as Mike was standing by her. He looked up and saw it as well. "NANCY!" Mike yelled as he looked down. Nancy looked at him and started to see the creature trying to break through. Mike grabbed Augusts hands and ran off. Max grabbed El and ran with them while the others ran off somewhere else. The creature broke through and it was the mindflayer Mike,August,El,and Max hid under cabinet doors. "I think we can make it outside." Mike said. "No way not with Els leg!" Max whispered. "There's another way to get through." "That door right there." "It's a shortcut." "You enter a room then your there."August said. Mike and the others looked at the door. "Okay,now!" Mike whispered. They all ran to the door and got in the room. In the room there was an "open" button. They all ran to the button and Max started slamming it.

Suddenly Billy walked in. "Billy?" Max asked as she turned around. "Billy it's me,Max." "You don't have to do this." "He's making you do this!" Max said with tears in her eyes. Billy ran to her and slammed her into a door. Mike gasped and tried to fight him but it didn't work. Billy punched him and he fell on the ground. El tried to fight him with her powers but they weren't working. Billy grabbed her hand and threw her on the ground. August kicked him and he bumped into the door. She slapped him and grabbed his hand. Billy tried to kick her but she grabbed his foot and threw him on the ground. August thought he passed out but he wasn't. Billy got up and quickly kicked her in the face. August passed out on the ground with the others. Billy picked up el and walked to the mind flayed. A few minutes later August woke up. She crawled to Max and Mike and woke them up. "Where's el?" Mike asked. Max and August looked confused.

In the middle of the mall El woke up and saw billy facing in front of her and the mindflayer. "Billy,please don't." Eleven cried but Billy didn't listen. The mindflayer was about to kill her until fireworks hit it.

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