Chapter 9 /new oc!!

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New OC !! (Sorry I messed up the way it's written now)

New OC !! (Sorry I messed up the way it's written now)

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Name: Sarah

"Fred and Chrissy both came here for help."

"They had headaches,nosebleeds,and many
other things."
"They had headaches,nosebleeds,and many

"Chrissy's headache started a week ago."

"Fred's was 6 days ago."

"I've been having them for five days." August said.

Steve lied his head down covering his face.

"You know,it'll be okay."

"We'll keep you safe,August." Nancy smiled.


"Let's go back to wheelers house." Robin smiled.

They all walked out and got in the car except for August and Steve.

"Steve?" August asked.

August walked to Steve and grabbed his which lifted up
his head.

She saw that tears were coming down Steve's eyes.

"Don't cry,please." August said whipping it.

"Sorry." Steve sniffed.

August held Steve's hand and they got in the car.

In the car on the way to Nancy's parents house it was silent.

August sighed and fell asleep on Steve's armpit.

Steve lied his head on hers and still held on to her hand.

30 minutes later they got home and went down to the basement and all
fell asleep..except August.

August walked back upstairs and saw Nancy's sister,Holly,
sitting on the table coloring.

"Holly,what are you doing awake?" She asked.

"I can't sleep." Holly answered.

"Mind if I color with you?" August asked.

Holly nodded and gave her some colors and pieces of paper to
draw on.

A few hours later in the morning everyone came upstairs
in a hurry looking for August.

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