Chapter 15

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4 days later Mike,Jonathan,El,Will,and Argyle cam back.

They all went to hug them.

"Where's August?" El asked.

"Oh,god,you don't know,do you?" Dustin asked.

"She's in the hospital." Steve said.

Mike,Steve,El,Dustin,Lucas,and Max got in the car and drove
to the hospital.

They entered the room and saw August in her bed.

"She's in a coma,her heart stopped for like a minute
and they she started breathing again."

Steve sat in a chair right by August.

El sat on the edge of the bed and held August's

"I'm sorry,August." El sighed.

El frowned and everyone left except Steve.

He remembered he had August's letter
in his pocket.

He got the note and began to read it.

Dear Stevey,I don't know why I'm writing this,
but I just need to tell you.

When I first met you I hated you.

"No way Steve the popular guy would
like me."

That's what I said as soon as I left Scoops
Ahoy for the first time.

The more we got closer the more I loved you.

I was too afraid to show you.

I know your probably confused and saying
"Why would you be scared?"

The fact is..I don't know.

After Sarah I just was quiet.

I was known as selfish so there's no
point of talking anymore.

But you made me speak up.

You made me a whole person.

I felt how a teenager should feel.

Eddie never helped.

I'm sure he tried to help but most of it was just you.

That day when we kissed for the first time I froze.

I was scared to date you.

I knew if I ever dated you I should get
my heart broken.

But I never show if I get my heart broken.

But now,I ended up showing emotion
to you sometimes.

And I felt okay with it.

Well the thing is Steve..

I love you,I owe you everything.

You owe me nothing.


Steve began to break down in tears.

He looked away from the note and all he could see
is August in the hospital bed.

Steve held August's hand.

"I'm sorry,I tried to save you,I really did." Steve said.

Suddenly Steve looked outside and saw the cloud turning dark
Even tho it was only 2:47.

Steve realized the war is not over.

He also realized August died for nothing.

Thank you for reading Show Me How.

Next season comes out in 2024.

(I think.)

Hope you enjoyed<3

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