𝒕𝒆𝒏, awake

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❛ Let's go kill the cunt, yeah? ❜

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Let's go kill the cunt, yeah?


As Vanessa's body falls still once more, Tangerine shakes his head, falling back against the wall with a sob. He can't even bare to look over at his brother, hating seeing the crimson liquid leak through
his shirt.

Lemon never bleeds was a lie.

A ringing phone causes him to quieten his sniffs as he straightens up slightly, peering out of the bathroom door and down the train isle, noticing a small flip phone buzzing against the carpet. Grumbling, he stands up, wiping the back of his hand along his nose and mouth before bending down to pick the device up.

He flicks it open, not recognising the number as he manages to find out how to accept the call. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he lowers himself down into a seat.

"Ness?" A voice calls from the phone, "Vanessa—"

Tangerine recognises the voice immediately, "James, she's— she's dead."

The line falls silent for a moment while James tries to find the correct words to reply to his brother in law, "I— What do you mean?"

"I— I don't know, she must have hit her head or something," Tangerine swallows, "She— she won't fucking wake up. Lemon was shot, and I— fuck! I don't know what to do."

James drops his forehead into his palm as he listens to how distressed the man is. He bites his lip as he runs through every possibility of his sister's death. He had been on the phone the entire time during her fight, but eventually everything fell silent other than a few footsteps and grumbles. He had ended the call, presuming the phone had been lost.

"Have you checked her pulse?" He rushes, refusing the accept it, "I mean, is she definitely dead?"

Tangerine curses lowly to himself, squeezing his eyes shut for a second before he rushing back into the bathroom. He holds the phone between his cheek and shoulder as he slowly reaches towards Vanessa.

"I'm checking her pulse," Tangerine says quietly, his hand shaking as one of his palms rested against her cold cheek.

James' jaw drops, "You're telling me you didn't check her pulse immediately?"

"No, okay? I was fucking stressed, and my brother's most definitely fucking dead!" He snarls, trying his hardest not to look at his limp brother, "I— I'm an pessimist, aright? I guessed Ness would be dead too."

𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘, tangerineWhere stories live. Discover now