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Kang Miso (your name is story)
20 year old

friendly, beautiful 😋, with long hairs, not talkative much,  and yeah Bts Army jeon jungkook biased.

A/n POV.

She is Army but very soft stan Army  not us like. Never read ffs or else. But yeah love jungkook has pics of him in her bts themed Room.
She has done her studies now she work in cafè as manager. Really good at everything like our jk.. Ahem back to the story

Your POV.

I'm in my cafe sitting on table with ice coffee in my hand.. I looked at hanging clock on wall as I take a relief "thank God owner is not coming. Like yes look at the time it's almost 9pm he will not . Thanks for saving me this time" I said and sipped my coffee


You are thanking god because your boss AKA the owner shin hawang je told you that he would come to see that how's the cafe and work is going. You guys must be thinking that she is just 20 and how she is a cafe maneger..sooooo idk

You were afraid of him because your co-workers who are same age as you and some are older but they are you friends so . But the best friends of yours  Eun, minji , chen went of near amusement park . You told them that boss is coming but they showed you thier pout as our "KANG MISO"  can't  able to say no
So that's  the reason they are at amusement park

Your POV
As I saw through the glass window I saw my three friends are coming "look who is here" I said and sighed at them

"Well it's none other than kim Eun"
He said with a proud voice while his both arms in air .

"You are not Eunwo only Eun so stop acting dumb you dumbass "
Minji said while giving disgusting looks to Eun. "What's your problem  ik you are jealous because I have meet him 2 time but you not even 1 HAHAHA but to be honest is my not good looking like me"  he said while  putting his right hand on his chest.

"Oh eun stfu what you even talking please back to the world" you said as he came and stand next to you .

"By the why did you just cheated on jungkook and being a  fangirl of cha Eunwo" chen said while coming towards me.

"What?" Minji looked at me with shocked

I just laughed at chen's statement
"Hehehe ... wtf "


"Why would I " I asked  and sat with Eun

"No I thou-  chen was about to say say something but you cut him off " Ahh stop guys and let's go" you asked and they three nodded

After driving

"Ok by guys have a good sleep and please be serious with your work" you said as you pointed on them

"Ofcourse Miss. maneger" minji said as we all laughed

At night

You are in your room in your night dress and you are so excited for tomorrow . And why not tomorrow is ....... 1st September and it's yessss it's jungkook birthday he will be 25.

Your POV

I got up from my bed and i took a picture of jk which I got from love yourself album. "Haa" I let out a sigh. "So bunny is going to be 25 huh?" Am I  talking to a photo card ? I hugged his photo card  "you will never know that how .... how much- "  you cut off by your phone rings

You looked at I'd and it's Chen


Chen: hey, miso!

Miso: yeah dude?

Chen: you didn't sleep?

Miso: hmm ,yeah!! Anything special?

Chen: No babes. But I know what you are thinking or maybe doing.

Miso: well, I know you all know .

Chen: Hahaha . Chill, by the way are you ready for tomorrow?

Miso: yes!!dude so much

Chen: woah, so good, well ok by I have to watch lisa's live she is live you know?

Miso: umm, no. But by-

Before I could say anything he ended the call
"Haa what a fanboy" I laughed and put my phone on my bed.

You said " love me as your idol not as your husband"  

And I won't because I know you are a Idol The jeon jungkook and I'm just a normal girl but.... I can love just my boyfriend uh huh?

I put his picture under my pillow and I went in my dreamland

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