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"Jungkook come dinner is ready" you yelled and saw him coming. "Wow" he said looking at food.

While eating

"Um Miso I forget to tell, that tomorrow is jimin's birthday-" he was saying but you cut him off "I know already". He looked at you. "I know you know but tomorrow we have to go at his birthday party" he said and you shouted in joy. "What? Really? I'm going too" you are excited. He is staring at you and thinking how excited you are for jimin's birthday. "Yes" he just replied and starts eating again.

at 6:30pm

Jungkook is waiting for you outside but you are still checking yourself in mirror. "Is this ok?" Asking yourself questions. You are wearing black long but backless dress. "Miso we gonna be late" jungkook yelled. You came near car and he saw you. "Why she have to be so hot" he mumbled But didn't realise that dress is backless.

At jimin's home.

There is a lot of people,then you expect .You both get in and you saw jimin. "Jimin" as you saw him in excitement you called his name and jungkook looked at you. Jimin came near and first he hugged you and the jungkook.
As we all you that jimin one is who gives tight and best hugs so he did same with you. But somehow jungkook isn't liking it. "Come" jimin said. You hugged all members of bts.
"Let's cut the cake guys" hobi said and brings jimin near to cake.

He cut the cake.

The party is really good here is music, drinks, everything. Some people are dancing. You saw jimin is coming towards you. "Shall we dance?" He asked you, you didn't look back at jungkook but went with jimin. Jungkook rolled his tongue inside his mouth. He is getting jealous.

Seeing you dancing with jimin he is getting hot. Seeing his hands on your waist but those are slowly going to hips. That time jungkook noticed you are wearing backless dress and at the same time jimin place his right hand on your bare back. He closed his eyes in anger. Jealousy is taking him over.

How could he see that someone is touching his wife front of him. He is done now before taking one step towards you "you gonna regret it baby doll" he said this. He held you wrist. "Let's go" he said. "But-" " I said let's go" he cut you off. He drags you with him. He opens car's door to you. "Sit" he said "jungk-" "SIT" he again cut you off this time with anger. You flinched and did what he said.

He starts driving. "Jungkook what happened" you said but no reply. You again said same words but flinched hard when he yelled at you "Shut up"

You can feel is so angry now but you don't know why. He is looking scary rn. His eyes is dark as night.


He left from car while you still in car. You also got out. And followed him, calling his name but he isn't listening. He went straight to room. You also went behind him like puppy. "Jungkook what happened why you so angry" you said. Again he didn't reply. You hold his shoulders and made him face you but before you could speak,
He pinned you to wall.

"Ahh" you sighed and he is staring at you, seems like he is fucking you with his eyes. You gulped hard. His eyes darkened even more. He pressed his lips against your kissing you roughly really roughly. You try you push him but he pinned your both hands above your head . Just like this.

He bite you lips

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He bite you lips. "J- Jung-kook" you trying your hard to push him. He stopped kissing you and look up at you. "Whom you are married to huh?"
You didn't answer just blinking. He tight his grip on your hands and said
"I want answer". You collect yourself and spoke "to y-you". "Are you jimin's wife" he said and bites your right cheek. "Your" you said and gulped. "Then how could you dance with him with my permission baby doll" he said and you understand whole thing.

" he asked m-me s-so" you said. "If he will ask then you will fuck him too huh?" He said staring deep into your eyes. You said "N-No". "Then let me fuck you hard so you will remember it" he said and you gasped. "And also who told you to wear backless dress" he said while putting his cold hands on you bare back. You closed you eyes feeling his touch. He starts kissing your neck and you gripped on his shirt. "Ahh" you let out a moan. "Tonight I'll make sure you scream my name" he said while picking you up.

You are under him and watching him stripping. He is above and between your legs. You could feel his hot breath. And now he is addressing you. He removed your dress. He removed your bra straps with his teeth. He slides away your underwear. "I'll fuck you until you beg me" he said and enter his d!ck. He is already so hard. Seeing you struggling with his size again he said "want some time you adjust me?". As he starts to thrusting inside you. Your hands are wrapped around his neck. He is making himself in and out. Everytime hitting right spot. You are screaming and moaning in mess. Your idol husband is fucking you out of jealousy.

He is just going faster and faster. Making your body move under his. He is holding your hips to stay in position. Kissing your neck then boobs you grabbed his hair as he bite your boob. "J-jungkook ahh". "Moan more baby doll" . "Jungkook s-stop" you beg. "Loud I can't hear you baby doll" he said thrusting roughly. "Ahh" he groaned I pleasure. "Fuck you feel so good" he said squeezing you boobs. "Ahh stop" he less his speed after you beg him to stop again.

You can feel his speed get slower now. And you wrapped you arms again around his neck hugging him. He made you sit on his thighs while he is still inside you. You put you head on his shoulder and grabbed his hair. Now he is fucking you in this position.
Your body is going up and down. "Umm" you moaned in pleasure that he is giving you now. "I l-love you jungkook" you said you head still on his shoulder. He stopped and you looked at him. Both staring at each other. "I love you too Miso"

You gulped and kissed him

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You gulped and kissed him. He kissed you back.

Hmm what now go and study. 🌚
Love you all Army.


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