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Next morning

You woke up early because You got a call from busan cafe that they are throwing a party so you are getting ready. Well you had a dress in your bag but it's little short. "Should I wear this?" You said to yourself. " yeah I'll after all it's only and one dress I have now. You went to bathroom and changed yourself. "Why I'm so hot?" 🙄she is again- , yes you are looking really hot today because that short dress.

Again beautiful na 😏

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Again beautiful na 😏.
I know it's not that short but for me and jungkook it's short.

You stepped out from your room. You saw that jungkook is sitting in living. The last night's show came in your mind. You blushed.

You went downstairs. But jungkook is watching your every step. He could feel his body is heating up by seeing you. Same as you last night's thought hits his mind. "Hot, but why she is wearing such a short dress" he mumbled under his breath. "Ohh where are you going, beautiful" mrs jeon asked you. "Good morning Aunty um I'm going work it's party today" you replied. "Ohh party I see"she said.
"But wait jungkook will drop you" she said while looking at jungkook. "Um N-No Aunty I'll go, don't disturb him" you said last words looking at him. "No I'm all free" jungkook replied getting up. "Yah so go with him go go" mrs jeon said while pushing you close to jungkook. "Um I forgot my phone"
You said and jungkook nodded.

"What she do?" Jungkook said to his mom. "She is a maneger, she is really good at everything jungkook" mrs jeon said. Jungkook smirked I said
"I know". "what" mrs asks. "Nothing mom". Then he saw you coming downstairs. "Let's go Miss Miso" jungkook said and you nodded. You both left.

"Nah, Mrs jungkook" mrs jeon said to herself. "They look cute and hot together" she again said .

You are walking with jungkook and he open the car's door for you. "Thanks" you said and he smiled. He also sit on driver's seat and he starts driving. There is silence between you two. Jungkook gaze fell on your exposed thighs. He pressed his lips together. "You look beautiful or I should say hot?" He said breaking the silence. "You can say whatever you want but thanks" you replied. "Then you look really sexy" he said winked at you. You blushed hard this time. "I can see it" jungkook said. "What" you questioned him. "Nothing" he replied. " ok leave me here" you said pointing on newly opened cafe. "Hm" he hm in answer.

"By kook, see ya later" you said while getting out of his car. "Did she just called me kook?" Jungkook asked himself. And he is checking you out until your figure disappears.

You decided to tease jungkook calling him by his nickname. You saw last night that he was teasing you hard. And also he is bit different person because you only know him as a Idol but now you are seeing and talking with him for real. Also kissed

After party

"Should I go hotel or?" You are questioning yourself. But badly you want to be near with jungkook,want to stare at his handsome face, his thin upper lip but full lower lip, you badly want to taste them again. "Ahh I want to see him, but my cothes are in hotel in fact my whole luggage is there" you said getting annoyed. Then you decided you go hotel. You enter the hotel in you went to your room.

Only and one thing in your mind is jungkook. You can't deny that you really love him. You love him as man not that he is Idol, famous, rich, handsome but you love him as human you spend your teenage seeing him only. Unconditionally fell in love with him.


"It's so late why she didn't came yet?"mrs jeon said looking at clock. "I think she won't" mr jeon said. "Why" jungkook questioned his dad. "I don't know look at time she might be in her hotel" mr jeon replied. "What? No bring her here" Mrs jeon said. "Stop it she has her own life let her be" mr jeon sighed.

You are laying on bed staring at ceiling. "I miss him" you said and Rolled on bed.

Next fucking morning.

Why author is so angry? FU

You got up with messy hair saliva on your face. Shiiii

Quick note: author is making you ugly as much as he/she can:(

You woke up late today because you don't have to go today on work. It's 8:30am. Hotel has sent you breakfast. You had you breakfast. And you freshen up. Wearing your casual clothes.


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Ahem. Beautiful na ......my baby dolls

"Why it's so boring Ahh fvck" you cursed as you are feeling bored. You decided to go for shopping or something. "Yeahh that's good" you went out your room then hotel. "Umm where?" You don't know that where should you go. "I'll go shopping mall" you decided. Entering the mall you saw beautiful dresses, heels everything you saw your heart says take it, take it . Then your gaze fell on beautiful outfit . You really want to buy it

"Ah I want this, first time i like white dress ahhh" you are shouting while holding this dress

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"Ah I want this, first time i like white dress ahhh" you are shouting while holding this dress. "Um excuse me can I try this?" You requested to employee and she nodded. You quickly went to changing Room. You removed the dress you were wearing. Letting slide down white dress on your body. You saw in mirror your jaw dropped after seeing dress on your body. "Yah omg wow".

You can see you curves. Your hourglass body is visible. "I'm buying this" you didn't think twice and changed and went to buy it. "Excuse me, um how much is this dress" you asked to employee "mam let me see , um mam it's 100$" employee replies. You nodded "please pack it,I'll buy this" then employee packed it and handed you . You thanked her And leave.

"Should I buy something else, um let's see let's go" you said and went on second floor. "Woahh" here you also can see beautiful cothes. Then a figure catch your attention. It's look similar. Then you saw it's mrs jeon. And she also saw you "Ahh look Miso over there" she said while pushing mr jeon to make face you. "Oh yeah" mr jeon said while fixing his coat. They both out of blue now standing front of you. "Hello Mr and Mrs jeon" you said but your eyes are finding someone. "Looking for jungkook" mrs jeon said and elbowed you. "He is home" and she spoke.

"But what are you doing here and what did you buy" she said with excitement. "Um nothing just a dress" you replied. "Ok, well we going on family dinner tonight" she said. You think for a second then speak up "um then have fun" "hm we said family Miso" mr jeon said. "You also have you come baby" mrs jeon asked and making your jaw Drop.


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