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"Wait it's second September and the day after tomorrow is 4. what?????
OMG wtf ..mvigydgsy557i

When you heard a horn you came back to reality. And you start driving again.

In cafe.

You enter the cafe. You are looking for your friends.  And they are coming towards you. " hey babe.. woah you look good" chen said while standing next to me. You give him hug. And then Eun and Minji also gave you hug

"I know I always look good" you said while flipping your hair.

"I love your long hair" Eun said to you

You just give him small smile.

"Miso, do you know but concert" Minji said while getting excited.

"Yesss" you said jumped in happiness.

Finally Miso will get to see her boys especially her dreamboy.

After talking you all made you way to your positions.

The day went and another day came

Woah author know so many things!!

In you cafe next day

You are planning about bts concert with your group when someone called you by your name.


You looked around and only saw you BOSS. You quickly got up and you friends did same.

It's shin Hwang je the owner of the cafe .

"Why did he-" you are in you thoughts     but you stopped when he again called you . "Miso, come here" he asked you as he sat on table.   "And you kim Eun go bring me coffee" he demanded and Eun went.

You went towards him and he scanned you up to toe.  "How's work" he said coldly. "All ok boss, everything is going good" you replied.  "Hmm I see"  he added.  "You here all of sudden"? You said and he got up. You stepped back. "Why I should be here?"

"N-No boss I was-" he cut you off by saying  "I have something to tell" . "What" you questioned him   "you have to go Busan tomorrow for some business" he Answered as you gasped

"NOOO tomorrow is concert  wtf" you asked in your mind.

"Boss what happened? Why? But-?"
"Wait wait Kang Miso why you are  attacking me with your questions" he said and you looked down.  "Sorry" you apologised. "Hm, it's because we are opening our another branch in Busan, so we need our head cafes maneger.you have to be there" he said  "but boss I can't" you said in low voice
"What? Why you can't well , I know because you want to attend the concert huh don't you?" He said almost shouting on you.

"Haa, Miso are you serious? I choose you because I only believe you and on your work!! It's final that you are going to busan" he shouted.  "But boss" Minji was saying something but stopped when boss glared at her.


in cafe where
You work isn't small or an ordinary cafe but it's the one of best cafe in south Korea it's Starbucks cafe

"You get it miso?" He looked at you
You just nodded you head Slowly.  "Good" he said and he leave after some time . 

"Miso" chen called you "please guys I want some time" you said as you also leave from there.

At you house

You enter your house and you throw yourself on near couch. "Life sucks" you said and closed your eyes and tears made thier way out.

People think being Korean Army is best thing, we can understand them what they are talking,  we can see them , but fuck... for me it's false. When I was in college I never get chance to meet them coz of my fucking studies mom never let me go to concert.  And now when I'm an independent girl still I can't go . FUCK BOSS. "Ahhhhh" I shouted thinking all these. Then I got up and went to my room I changed and I sleep.

Next morning

Your POV

I woke up and stretched my arms  "ummm gOod morninG" I  said in my  sleepy voice...

After you routine

"What should I wear this or this or maybe this one, wait this is good" I asked myself and I went to change

"What should I wear this or this or maybe this one, wait this is good" I asked myself and I went to change

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This is your  whole  look .. again and again beautiful na😏

Your POV

I went to the Airport

While some Army's who are from different states are landing in Seoul for concert.  And me mf is leaving Seoul?

"Noo" I said while crying dramatically

"Here mam" an Air hostess told me  " thanks" I said and she smiled.


After some time i landed in busan the fresh air blew up my hair.
"Woah it's beautiful" i asked to myself as it's my first time in busan.

"Kookie see I'm in your home town hahaha" I said and I walked

I sat in car which is sent by company.
It stops front of very big and beautiful hotel.


You get in the hotel and the hotel maneger told you that where is your room. It's 367 number.  You enter the room and it's so beautiful.

Beep. You are got notification and you looked it's you boss you sent you the location of tomorrow's place. You sighed and threw your phone on bed. I should take bath.

Next day

Your POV

I woke up early because idk why but I was excited. So yeah

 So yeah

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Again beautiful na😏 today's outfit

Your POV

I wear my clothes and I went I know that im gonna be so tired because I have to take interviews for new workers for cafe in Busan.


"Ahhh, I'm so tired" I said and continue walking.  Man after taking 500 people's interview what do you expect from me? I was walking on street then I saw!!!


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