Chapter 1

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*continuing after V3 Ep 16*

A few months later after the Kaneki Masayuki incident, Golden Time Team returned back to its pace. As always, Kang Kwon Joo uses her hearing ability to save people who are in danger and detectives came to save the victims. 

It was break time and Kwon Joo was standing alone outside the balcony looking at the skies.

'It has been months since Team Leader Do passed away,' She thought.

Eun Soo noticed her standing outside the balcony, she came and asked, "Kwon Joo, what are you doing outside here?"

Kwon Joo shook her head, "It's nothing, I just wanted fresh air."

"Still thinking of Team Leader Do, huh?" Eun Soo let out a worried sigh.

"Mhm," Kwon Joo nodded, "I wonder how he's doing up there. I bet he finally got some rest."

Eun Soo doesn't know what to say to Kwon Joo since she knew comforting her was useless. Eun Soo just patted her shoulder and said, "I bet he's doing well in heaven. Anyways, we got a new report about child abuse. Let's get back to work."

"Ok," Kwon Joo nodded, she threw her empty coffee cup into the trash bin and went back to work with Eun Soo.


After solving the case, everyone stretched their arms and let out a relieved sigh.

"Thankfully we've managed to get a hold of that drunk man, or else that child could've been in real trouble!"

"Yeah, I don't understand why he has to let his anger out on his child when he loses in gambling! That dude's really messed up."

Kwon Joo let down her headset, "Good work everyone, the case is successfully solved."

Everyone in the call center clapped, another case has been solved by Golden Time Team.

A few minutes later, Kwon Joo changed into a pair of casual clothes and went out.

"I'm going to the hospital for a while. Eun Soo, could you take charge while I'm not here?"

"Sure," Eun Soo nodded. 

Kwon Joo then took her coat and went out of the police station. 

After 20 minutes, Kwon Joo arrived at the hospital.

She then stopped at Room 206 and knocked on the door.

"Come in," a voice said.

Kwon Joo went in and greeted the patient inside, "Hello, Min Ju. I'm Kang Kwon Joo from Poongsan Police Station. Just call me Kang Center by the way."

The teenage girl named Min Ju smiled and nodded at her, "Nice to meet you, Kang Center. Thank you for saving me back there. If it wasn't for you, my dad would've beaten me to death."

"It's no big deal, how are your injuries?"

"It's a bit serious at first but now they're healing thanks to the doctors." Min Ju explained, "Oh, here's a gift in exchange!"

Min Ju handed Kwon Joo a seashell bracelet, Kwon Joo took a look and put it on her wrist, "Thank you, Min Ju," Kwon Joo smiled.

"No problem, Kang Center! I got this at Jeju Island, it's a gift from me to you." Min Ju smiled brightly.

"I'll get going then, take care." Kwon Joo took her bag and stood up. She waved goodbye to Min Ju.

"Bye, Kang Center!" Min Ju waved back. 

Kwon Joo then closed the door and walked to the elevator.

Just when she took a turn, she accidentally knocked over someone.

"Ah! I'm sorry, are you alright?" Kwon Joo held out her hand. Turns out he's a doctor.

"Yeah, I'm fine," the man held out his hand too, and grabbed her hand. He stood up and brushed his coat. He smiled at Kwon Joo.

Kwon Joo noticed the scar on his left wrist, she assumed that he was cut when she accidentally knocked over him, "Your wrist..."

"Oh, it's not a big deal," the man smiled and held his wrist, "Wait, are you perhaps...Kang Kwon Joo?"

"Yeah, and you are?" Kwon Joo was surprised that the man knew her name.

"I'm Koo Do Kyung, I work here as a doctor. " Do Kyung then held out his hand. The both of them shook hands.

"Nice to meet you," Kwon Joo nodded.

"Oh, I forgot that I have a patient to take care of. Here's my name card, let's grab a coffee sometime," Do Kyung smiled, then proceeds his way to the patient's room.

"Sure," Kwon Joo smiled back at him, then went to the elevator.

Do Kyung turned back and watched Kwon Joo getting in the elevator, he let out a mysterious smirk.

Little did she know that he was about to murder Min Ju, and he wasn't actually a doctor.

Met You By 'Chance' | Voice x TGTZ AUWhere stories live. Discover now