Chapter 2

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After confirming that Kwon Joo left the hospital, Do Kyung then proceeds with his killing plan. 

He pushed the trolley filled with medicines to Min Ju's room, he then pushes the door open.

"It's time to change your bandages, Kang Min Ju." Do Kyung let out a disguised smile to Min Ju.  Then pretends to look for the bandages while he's grabbing a syringe. 

"Oh, ok," Min Ju nodded. Just as she was admiring Do Kyung, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her neck. Min Ju looked up just to see Do Kyung stabbing her with a syringe.

"H-huh?" Min Ju was frightened, she struggled to get off her bed but Do Kyung was stronger. He pushed her to the side and let go of the syringe. Min Ju just realized that she was poisoned. She struggled to get up from the floor but then failed because the poison reached through her organs.

"I had to," Do Kyung shook his head, but his tone show no sympathy at all. Pure coldness.

After a few minutes of struggling, Min Ju fell to death. Do Kyung then leave the room to change his disguise.

Just then, Min Ju's brother Kang Min Jun arrived. He knocked on the door but no one responded.

Min Jun was puzzled, he was sure his sister hasn't gone out or was sleeping a few minutes ago. He then slides open the door just to see his sister laying on the ground unconscious.

"Min Ju? Min Ju! Wake up, are you ok?! HELP!!" Min Jun hugged his sister and shouted for help. The doctors then came to check Min Ju's condition, only to announce that she died from poison.

"This can't be..." Min Jun shook his head, he then fell to the floor crying. 

There's no way Min Ju was dead, she was ok a few minutes ago! He thought.

Min Jun then called 119, he didn't believe that his sister died just because of food poisoning. He noticed the syringe mark on her neck, he then knew what happened.

"119, what's your emergency?" Eun Soo answered the call.

"My sister, she died because of poison. But I believe this was a murder case, I saw a syringe mark on her neck." Min Jun calmly reported the situation.

"Ok," Eun Soo nodded, "May I know what's your sister's name?"

"Her name is Kang Min Ju," Min Jun responded.

Eun Soo was shocked to hear the name. No way, Min Ju? She was ok an hour ago, how did she die so suddenly?

"Alright, we'll send our detectives to take a look at the case. May I know your name, sir?"

"I'm Kang Min Jun," Min Jun answered.

"Ok, Min Jun. Our officers will be there as soon as possible, so remain calm and tell them what happened. Ok?" 

"Ok," Min Jun sobbed. He then ended the call.


"What, you were saying that Kang Min Ju died?" Kwon Joo was shocked by what Eun Soo said.

"Yes, Kang Center. Her brother Kang Min Jun reported to us, he thinks that this isn't food poisoning but someone poisoned her with a syringe. We could assume that this person is a doctor." Eun Soo reported. 

"I'll head over there now," Kwon Joo then hung up the call with Eun Soo, and drove at full speed back to the hospital.

After a few minutes, Kwon Joo and a few other detectives arrived at the hospital. They entered the building and went to take the elevator up to the patient's room.

Kwon Joo then remembered Do Kyung's words, he said that he has a patient to take care of. She then dialed his number.

"Koo Do Kyung here," Do Kyung answered the call. 

"It's me, Kang Kwon Joo. Where are you right now?" 

"I'm at the resting room for doctors. What's the matter? Your tone seems to be panicking."

"Do you know there's a patient named Kang Min Ju?"

"No, why?"

"She just got murdered a few minutes ago, don't you know about that?"

Do Kyung was silent for a moment, then proceeds to pick up the call, "I don't."

"Stay right where you are, I'm gonna check on the situation. You're kinda suspicious to me."

"Aww, why are you suspecting me? I need to go check on my cat before I leave my shift, I forgot to give it food before I leave for work," Do Kyung said in a pitiful tone.

"I don't know, we just need to investigate for a few minutes. I hope you're ok with that," Kwon Joo simply doesn't care that he needs to get home.

"Hmm, sounds ok. I'll cooperate with you, Kwon Joo," Do Kyung smiled.

"Good," Kwon Joo then hung up the phone. Just then, they arrived at the crime scene. They got into Min Ju's room after showing their police identity card.

"Min Jun was right, there was a syringe mark on her neck," detective Park Joong Ki pointed at the syringe mark.

Kwon Joo nodded, then went up to Min Jun to ask him questions.

"Hi, Min Jun. I'm Kang Kwon Joo from Poongsan Police Station. I'm gonna ask you a few questions. Don't worry, it's just for a while."

"Ok..." Min Jun wiped his tears, he then sat straight.

"First, how did you notice that your sister is dead?"

"I was on my way to the hospital when Min Ju called me, she asked when I was gonna come since she was bored. I answered that I'm coming real soon and hung up the call. When I arrived at her room, I knocked on the door but there was no response. She wouldn't go out or sleep at this hour so I slide open the door, then I found out that she was laying on the floor unconscious. When I tried to wake her up, her body temperature is cold and her face is pale. I shouted for help afterward. Then I noticed there's a syringe mark on her neck." Min Jun told Kwon Joo everything he knew.

Kwon Joo nodded, then she asked, "Did you perhaps find anything suspicious in the room?"

Min Jun tried recalling what he saw, then he snapped his finger, "Oh! There was a syringe needle on the floor."



Hi hi, I hope yall enjoy this story! Also, the name Min Jun is inspired by my best friend's oc lol. See you in the next chapter!

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