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Do Kyung was a bit shocked. How did Kwon Joo know about this?

"...I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie. I know you did it because that syringe needle belongs to you!" Kwon Joo held up a zipper bag with a syringe needle inside it.

Do Kyung went silent after he knew that the syringe needle really belongs to him.

"So? What do you have to say for yourself? You approached me and manipulated me into your trap! You say you love me but it was ALL A FUCKING LIE!!" Kwon Joo shouted with tears in her eyes.

An hour ago during work, Kwon Joo received evidence from Si Wan and she found out that only Do Kyung uses that type of syringe needle because it's rare and it was gifted by his father when he got promoted.

"Kwon Joo..." Do Kyung wanted to explain to her that he really loved her. He can't lose her yet. He went forward to hug her but she pushed him away.



"...What?" Kwon Joo was puzzled. She furrowed her eyebrows, "I don't believe you. That was bullshit."

Do Kyung sighed. He took off his coat and lifted his sleeves. There were horrible scars and bruises on his arms.

Kwon Joo was shocked. She didn't know that Do Kyung had a traumatic experience way back during high school.

"When I was in high school. Her dad used to bully me a lot because I'm a nerd. He spread rumors, called me names, and almost beat me to death. He also tricked me into thinking that my brother was gonna be assassinated in the forest behind the school because he hired someone to do so, but when I went there they literally tried to burn me alive." Do Kyung paused. His expression looked like he wasn't kidding or making up a story at all.

Kwon Joo felt bad for Do Kyung, but something inside tells her to not feel any sympathy for him.

Right, he's a serial killer. He deserves no sympathy. Kwon Joo let out a sigh.

"Then why'd you kill Min Ju?! She's an innocent child!" Kwon Joo shed a tear thinking that Min Ju died without any reason.

"I want to let that jerk know how it feels like to lose someone precious. I saw him crying at his own daughter's funeral so pathetically. Ha, HAHAHAHAHA!" Do Kyung let out a sinister laugh.

"...You're crazy." Kwon Joo widened her eyes. She was beyond shock.

Do Kyung then turned to face Kwon Joo. He suddenly grabbed her hands tightly.

"Now you know who I truly am. I'm gonna have your memory erased in some way and I'll make you mine forever. It isn't good for an officer like you to hear this." Do Kyung smiled in a creepy way.

Kwon Joo flung off his hands and ran to the kitchen. Do Kyung followed her from behind.


"Come on, stab me then. I'll get away with many ways but everyone will think you're a moron." Do Kyung smiled.

Kwon Joo trembled when Do Kyung stepped forward. At last, she finally thought of a plan.

Kwon Joo dropped the knife, spread her arms wide, and hugged Do Kyung.

"I-I'm sorry for my ruthless behavior honey." Kwon Joo faked her cry.

Do Kyung was really shocked, but then he returned her hug.

"It's ok baby, I was quite harsh earlier too. I'm sorry too."

Kwon Joo nodded. While they were hugging, Kwon Joo grabbed her pocket knife and stabbed Do Kyung's arm.

Do Kyung felt a sharp pain in his arm. He pulled away Kwon Joo just to notice that his arm was bleeding.

"SHIBAL!!" Do Kyung shouted. He noticed that Kwon Joo was gone, and he ran around the house like an amok.

"I'm right here." Kwon Joo smirked with a few detectives behind her. Before coming back to her apartment unit, she told Joong Ki and the others to get prepared outside her apartment unit after Do Kyung came in. 

"YOU-" Do Kyung was furious. Then in a minute he grabbed Kwon Joo and held a knife to her neck.

"COME ANY CLOSER AND I WILL KILL HER!" Do Kyung yelled at the detectives.

"Koo Do Kyung, calm down. Drop the weapon and let's talk with each other nicely. Alright?" Joong Ki was sweating with fear now that Kwon Joo was held hostage in front of them.

Do Kyung froze, he didn't intend to kill Kwon Joo at all.

But she betrayed him. He thought.

Do Kyung's hands were trembling. No, I don't want to kill her. 

I'm no longer obsessed with her anymore. I love her. He thought.

But it's all too late.

"Put the weapon down and lift up your arms!"

Do Kyung decided to drop the knife, let go of Kwon Joo and lift up his arms. After all, he doesn't want to hurt Kwon Joo and let her suffer.

The detectives then quickly cuffed Do Kyung's hands and pinned him to the ground. Eun Soo went up to Kwon Joo to check her condition.

"You okay? I was so worried for you!"

"I'm okay, Eun Soo." Kwon Joo smiled.

The news of Koo Do Kyung has been captured was captured all over social media and the news. When Min Jun knew that Do Kyung was the killer of his sister, he teared up.

"That asshole, I'm glad he's locked up."

Several of the victim's families were relieved when they heard that Koo Do Kyung was arrested, and all of Do Kyung's family went bankrupt because Do Kyung killed people and entered jail.

"Didn't know that jerk killed many people. I'm glad the victim's families received justice."

Kwon Joo nodded, "If he wasn't a killer, he probably would've turned out good and lived a normal life."


(THE END!!!!)

A/N: Hi guys! Met You By 'Chance' has officially ended. Please look forward to my next work and thanks to everyone who supported the novel!! :D

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