Chapter 6

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It has been over 3 weeks since Do Kyung and Kwon Joo were dating. They haven't told anyone around them about their relationship yet even their parents.

It was a lovely Sunday and they went on a date at a famous mall.

"You sure no one would find us out here?" Kwon Joo nervously asks. She linked arms with Do Kyung while looking for a restaurant for them to eat lunch.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they won't. This mall is rather popular among teens," Do Kyung winked. He then pointed at an Italian restaurant, "Ah, should we eat lunch here? I heard that they serve delicious Italian food."

"Sure!" Kwon Joo smiled.


After finishing their meals, Kwon Joo and Do Kyung decided to watch a movie.

"Yo, out here watching a movie huh?" A familiar voice called out to them.

That voice! Do Kyung sweats nervously. He turned back and saw his cousin Yoon Go Jun with an unfamiliar woman beside him.

"Oh for fucks sake." Do Kyung murmured.

"Oh? Isn't that the famous police officer that's hearing ability is superb? Her name is Kwon Joo something ." Go Jun pointed at Kwon Joo, he greeted her and turned to Do Kyung with an 'I know what you guys are' face.

Do Kyung frowns at him. He grabs Kwon Joo's hand tightly and prepares to leave.

"Not so fast, stinky pants." Go Jun grabbed his shoulder, then he pulled Do Kyung closer and whispered in his ear.

"You better not mess this up for me, same with my Mizu. Got it?"

"Yeah yeah alright," Do Kyung whispered in a very low tone.

Go Jun then grabbed Mizu's arm, "I forgot to mention, this woman is Kaneki Mizu! She's my fiancee."

"Oh!" Kwon Joo was surprised while Do Kyung let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

Kwon Joo was puzzled by Do Kyung, "What's the matter?"

Shit, I let my guard down! Do Kyung thought.

"Nothing, it's just that..." He whispered in Kwon Joo's ear, "My cousin's fiancee is a creep."

Kwon Joo nodded awkwardly.

"Hey, since we're all here, why don't we watch a movie together? It'll be like a double date!" Go Jun smiles.

Do Kyung nodded in silence. He curses about Go Jun in his heart. Kwon Joo and Mizu exchanged eye contact and nodded.

Before getting into the cinema, Mizu stopped Kwon Joo to have a talk.

"So how did you meet Do Kyung?" She asked.

"Work." Kwon Joo doesn't want to continue chatting with her, so she walks into the cinema.

"Aren't you curious about me and Go Jun's relationship?" Mizu asked with an unpleasant look on her face.

"Why would I be?" Kwon Joo frowned.

"We met at a bar, I work as a waitress there. I thought he was a very nice guy at first but then...he's a fxcking psycho." Mizu frowned, "You also have to watch out for Do Kyung, I don't think he's nice either."

Kwon Joo was confused about whether to trust her words or not, "Listen, I get that you're pretty and all but why do you have to do this?"

Mizu immediately knew what Kwon Joo meant. She shook her head, "If it's hard for you to believe me then look at this!"

Mizu lifted her sleeve and jeans. There were lots of bruises and scars. She then unlocked her phone and showed Kwon Joo a recording. She also handed an earbud to Kwon Joo for her to put on to prevent them from hearing the audio recording.

"...You dare call the police about this and you're dead for sure. I will also share that video online. Let's see how the people around you react to this. Got it, baby?"

It was Go Jun's voice. Kwon Joo was shocked.

"You believe me now?"

Kwon Joo nodded, "I also have some info to tell you. Actually-"

Suddenly, Go Jun and Do Kyung bursts out from the door.

"What's taking you guys so long? Come on, the movie's about to start!"

Kwon Joo and Mizu glance at each other. They went in with Go Jun and Do Kyung.

Mizu whispers, "Here's my contact, make sure to use the 'secret' chatting app. I need you to free me from this bastard. I'm counting on you. Please, Kang Center."

Kwon Joo nodded, "Leave this to me."  They proceed to watch the movie in silence.


"Man, what a day!" Go Jun stretched his arms, "Time to go, guys. I need to head home and get some rest from my sweet pie." He cuddled Mizu.

They all bid goodbye. Do Kyung then drove Kwon Joo back to her apartment.

"What did you and Mizu talk about?" Do Kyung asked.

"We just basically talked about our daily routine and our jobs. Nothing special."

"That's all?"

Kwon Joo nodded.

Strange. Do Kyung thought. Kwon Joo wasn't a talkative person when it comes to someone she was unfamiliar with. Unless...

A few minutes later, they arrived at Kwon Joo's apartment.

"Bye, see you on Tuesday!" Kwon Joo bid goodbye. She then ran towards Do Kyung and kissed his cheek.

"Bye!" Do Kyung waved at Kwon Joo. After seeing her get in, he pulled out his phone and dialed Go Jun.

"Dude, I think Mizu told that to Kwon Joo. You must shut Mizu's mouth before they found out about it."

"I gotcha." Go Jun answered. He hung up the call and took a knife in the kitchen, walking towards Mizu's room.

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