Chapter 9

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Kwon Joo felt uneasy last night. She felt that someone was in her room but she wasn't sure of it. She decided to install a CCTV in her room.

After work, Kwon Joo went to an electrical suppliance store to buy a CCTV.

"You could connect the CCTV to your phone so you could check your apartment unit's condition anytime anywhere. Besides, if someone barged into your apartment, you can report it to the police because it will save every video that it's recorded."

Kwon Joo nodded, "How much is it?"

"That will be 200,000 won (151 USD)"

Kwon Joo inserted her credit card and typed in the PIN number. The transaction was a success.

"You'll also receive a 1-year warranty for the CCTV in case there's any problem. Here's my business card. Thanks for stopping by!" The seller smiled.

Kwon Joo smiled back. She walked out of the store and went back to her apartment unit.

She installed the CCTV in her room and tested it on her phone. Everything works fine just as the seller mentioned.

Kwon Joo was satisfied with it. She then cooked dinner for herself and went to deal with some documents regarding work.


On the other hand, Do Kyung worked overtime lately. He didn't have much time to spend with Kwon Joo because of heavy work.

"Sir, here's the report from last week."

"Thank you." Do Kyung nodded. He simply flipped through the report and sighed.

I wonder how Kwon Joo is doing lately. He thought. He then grabbed his phone and texted Kwon Joo.

'It's been a while since we've met. How are you? I hope work isn't hitting you hard lately. Currently missing you sm :('

Do Kyung put down his phone and sighed again.

Maybe I should gift her something again to her. He thought.

After work, Do Kyung went to a gift shop in a mall that sells a bunch of different gifts for girls or women.

Do Kyung decided to gift Kwon Joo a giant teddy bear. He then drove to her apartment, but this time he went in through the front gate.

"Hi, who you're looking for?" The security guard asked Do Kyung.

"Hi, I'm here for Kang Kwon Joo who lives on the 10th floor." Do Kyung smiled.

"10th floor, huh? Do you know her full address? Like her unit number." 

"Yes." Do Kyung nodded.

The security guard was puzzled, "I know I've seen you a few times before but I've never seen you go to her apartment unit. Why is that?"

"Ah, she told me not to go visit her often since she had work most of the time. It was our anniversary today so I stopped by to surprise her."

"I see," the security guard smiled, "Enjoy the day for the both of you!"

"Thank you." Do Kyung smiled and went in.


Do Kyung rang Kwon Joo's doorbell. He was excited to gift her the teddy bear, but no one answered the door.

She should be home a few minutes ago. He thought.

Footsteps rang from behind, Do Kyung turned to see Kwon Joo behind him.

"Do Kyung..."

"Kwon Joo," Do Kyung smiled brightly, "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary?" Kwon Joo was confused. It hasn't been a year yet since they've dated.

"It's our one-month anniversary. I was thinking that we should celebrate it. Here's your present by the way. I love you lots." Do Kyung handed Kwon Joo the teddy bear and kissed her cheek.

Kwon Joo seemed hesitant and worried. Do Kyung was confused.

"Kwon Joo?"

"Oh! Sorry, I was thinking about something else," Kwon Joo came back to her senses. She accepted Do Kyung's teddy bear, "Thanks for the gift. Come in."

"No problem,"

Do Kyung notice that Kwon Joo has been acting weird after she got home. Even when he kissed her, she didn't kiss him back but Do Kyung doesn't ask much about it.

After Kwon Joo prepared drinks, she sat on the sofa without saying anything.

After a while, Kwon Joo finally spoke something.

"Do Kyung."

"Ah, yes?" Do Kyung was startled that Kwon Joo called him out all of a sudden. He sat straight.

Kwon Joo then let out a heavy sigh.

"Did you kill Min Ju?"

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