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¨What the hell did you do to my room?¨ Enid said, irritated. Myra looked up from her sketchbook seeing that Wednesday had removed the film off of the window and divided up the room. Myra rolled her eyes, and went back to sketching in her book.
    ¨Silence would be appreciated. This is my writing time.¨
    ¨Your writing time?¨ 
    ¨I devoted an hour a day to my novel.¨
    ¨Perhaps if you did the same your blog might be coherent. I've read serial killer dairies with better punctuation.¨
¨I write in my voice. It's my truth. Itś what my followers love.¨
¨Your followers are clearly imbeciles. They respond to your stories with insipid little pictures.¨
¨You mean emojis? It's how people express their feelings. I realize that's a forgein concept to you,¨ Enid retorted. Myra placed her sketchbook on her bed, ready to step in just in case the girls got out of hand.
¨When I look at you, the following emojis come to mind. Rope,shovel,hole.¨ The girls were standing close to each other. Myra began to stand up to push the girls apart in case one of them were going to instigate a fight. Thankfully Wednesday walked back to her desk.
    ¨By the way, there are two Ds in Addams. If you're going to gossip about me at least spell my name right.
Myra snorted, attempting to stifle a laugh. Both girls turned to look at her.
    ¨What.¨ She looked at them. Enid raised an eyebrow.
    ¨Look Enid, sorry but your writing needs a little bit of work, also if you're gonna write about gossip you need to get some more citable sources.¨ Enid rolled her eyes at both girls then walked to her side of the room and began to play her music very loudly. 
Myra rolled her eyes, grabbing her headphones, playing some of her own music to block out Enidś, while returning to her sketch. Wednesday also seemed to not be a huge fan of Enidś music choice.
    ¨Turn that off.¨ Enid wouldn't listen and danced around the room. 
    ¨This is your final warning.¨ Myra started to get up again to stop another argument. When Wednesday got close Enid pulled out her claws. Ths took the dark hair girl and brunette aback. ¨Cool.¨ Myra thought.
    ¨Don´t mess with me. This kitty's got claws, and Iḿ not afraid to use them.¨
    Oh great, another fight. Thankfully a woman with red hair and glasses walked in the room just in time, she had mud on her boots and was holding two flower pots in her hands.
    ¨Good evening girls, oh sorry about the mud. I wanted to make sure that Wednesday and Myra were settling in. Is this a bad time? Iḿ Ms.Thornhill, your dorm mom. Apologies I wasn't here to greet you when you arrived. I trust Enid has given you the old Nevermore welcome.¨
    ¨Sheś been smothering me with hospitality. I hope to return the favor in her sleep.¨ Wednesday told her. Myra raised her eyebrows. 
    ¨Sheś has been very helpful.¨ Myra told the woman with a small smile. 
    ¨Well here's a little welcome gift from my conservatory. I try to match the right flower to each of my girls, and when I read your personal statements in your applications, I immediately thought of these.¨ Ms.Thornhill handed both girls a flower.
    ¨The Black Dahlia.
    ¨The Black Bat Flower.¨
    ¨Oh, you know them?¨
    ¨Of course. It's named after my favorite unsolved murder.¨
    ¨The Black Bat Flower gives people strength, confidence and the power to propel themselves forward.¨ Myra smiled at the flower in her hands.¨
    Both girls gave a thank you to the teacher. 
    ¨Oket-dokey, before I leave. I want to go over a few house rules. Lights off at 10:00, no loud music, and no boys,ever.¨ She said the last part in a creepy tone.
    ¨Whatś the story about going into the local town?¨ Wednesday asked with interest. 
    "Passes to Jericho are a privilege, not a right. It's a brisk walk or thereś a shuttle on the weekends. The locals are a tad bit weary about Nevermore, so please don't go making waves or perpetuating any outcasts stereotypes. That means keeping your claws to yourself and no smothering people in their sleep. Oh and the forest has been recently marked off limits as there have been a few . . . bear attacks in the area. So I don't want you snooping around there ethier. Are we all clear?¨ Myra thought that it was sort of odd but decided to investigate later. 
    ¨Great talk!¨ With that she left the room.

     Myra walked the next morning stopping by the fencing room heading towards her Chemistry of Potions class. Thoughts ran through her head when she saw Wednesday challenging Bianca to a match. She smiled at her roommate hoping that she would kick the siren´s ass. She turned to leave and head to her class when she felt a pair of yes on her, turing around she was face to face with Nevermoreś own tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe. 
    ¨Um, hi.¨ She gave a small smile and a awkward wave.
    ¨Hello,¨ The brown haired boy responded.
    ¨Bye.¨ Myra spun around fast and sped walked away so as to not make the conversation awkward. 

Inner Demons - Xavier Thorpe - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now