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    Since Wednesday was at her therapy session and Enid was off, who knows where, Myra was left alone in the room. Instead of staying, she grabbed her satchel and headed off towards the library. Did she have about 30 books that she'd brought home? Yes, yes she did, but Myra wasn´t in the mood to read anything she had.

    She grazed the bookcases, hoping to find something interesting, but instead caught a couple making out, which was very awkward. Mumbling a quick apology, she snatched a random book on the shelf, checked it out, placed it into her satchel, and sped towards the quad, hoping to avoid as many people as she could.
Finally, finding a spot next to the fountain, plugging in her headphones and pulling out the book. It was a book about species of monsters. ¨Interesting choice¨ she thought.
Eventually getting lost in the pages.
She didn't notice a pair of green eyes were on her as she,¨

     Myra flopped back on her bed and crumpled up the drawing. Wednesday was outside playing her cello, which sounded very beautiful, and she was so confused. She had gotten back around an hour and a half ago from the quad and decided to draw something, so when she was done she looked down to see the face of Xavier Thorpe staring back at her.
    ¨Shit, shit,¨ She immediately crumpled up the paper and tried drawing again. Still, the face of Xavier looked back at her. After two more times of this happening, she went out to visit Wednesday on the balcony.
    ¨ That sounded very beautiful.¨
    ¨ Thank you.¨
    ¨ How the hell did you get that oversized violin out the window?¨ Both girls turned to look at Enid.
    ¨ I had an extra hand.¨ Thing waved to Enid.
    ¨ Whoa. Where's the rest of him?¨
    ¨ It's one of the great Addams Family mysteries.¨
    ¨ Why aren't you wolfing out?¨ Myra asked the blonde.
    ¨ Because I can't.¨ Enid pulled out her claws.
    ¨It's all I got. My mom says some wolves are late bloomers, but I've been to the best Lycanologist. I had to fly to Milwaukee, would you believe it? Yeah, she says, there's a chance I may never . . . you know.¨ Myra enveloped Enid in a hug. Wednesday went to stand next to them
   ¨ What happens then?¨ Myra let go of Enid.
    ¨I´d become a lone wolf.¨
¨ Sounds perfect.¨ Wednesday said. Myra looked at her with a ¨What the hell.¨ expression on her face.
¨Are you kidding me? My life would be officially over. I´d be kicked out of my pack with no prospect of finding a mate.¨
¨ Iḿ failing to see the problem here.¨
¨ I could die alone.¨
    ¨ We all die alone. Enid.¨
¨ She is right about that part.¨
¨ You really suck at this. Cheering people up.¨ Enid cried. Myra put an arm around the blonde.
¨Hey Enid, if you want you can come live with me and my mom, she wouldn't mind.¨
¨ Why are you crying?¨”Wednesday asked. Myra looked as though she was going to smack Wednesday.
¨Because I´m upset!¨
¨ Haven't you ever cried, or are you above that too?¨ Enid continued to cry.
¨ It was the week after Halloween. I was six years old. I took my pet scorpion, Nero, out for his afternoon stroll, and we were ambushed. They wondered what kind of freak would have a scorpion as a pet. Two of them held me down and made me watch while the others ran Nero over until. It was snowing when I buried what was left of him. I cried my little black heart out. But tears don't fix anything. So I vowed to never do it again. Myra walked over and put a hand on Wednesday´s shoulder.
¨ Iḿ so sorry Wednesday.¨
¨ Your secret is safe with us,¨ Enid said. I still think you're weird as, though.¨
¨The feeling is mutual.¨
¨How would you like your room back? You just need to show me how to use your computer.¨ Myra raised an eyebrow
¨Iḿ assuming you have a plan in place.¨

Wednesday called Tyler, who was a boy that she had met when she escaped her therapy session.

Myra looked down at her outfit, a black turtleneck, brown dress pants, a gray coat, her combat boots, and her gold necklace. She turned to Wednesday and Enid.
¨ Y'all ready to go?¨
¨Yes.¨ Both girls responded. Myra looked at Wednesday.
Do you have everything?¨
¨ Yes.¨
¨ Ok.¨

The Festival had a huge assortment of food, games, and rides. The three girls were watching the interaction between Tyler and his father.
¨ Are you sure you can trust that normie?¨ Enid asked.
¨ I trust that I can handle myself.¨
¨I don´t know, something about him feels off.¨
¨ Well, good luck and safe travels. Enid tried to give Wednesday a hug, but she stepped back.
¨ Still not a hugger. Got it.¨ Enid walked off.
¨ You know, I´m gonna miss you. Oh before I forget.¨ She handed Wednesday a piece of paper. This has my house address in case you need a place to stay.
¨ Thank you.¨
¨Of course, Bye Wednesday.¨ She waved before walking toward a booth.

Myra eventually decided to throw some darts in an attempt to win a giant stuffed panda. After a few throws she won one, did she want it no, but it did help her get her mind off of everything.
¨If you get any better at this, you´ll be taking home a whole pack.¨ She turned around. Of course it had to be Xavier Thorpe.
¨ Actually, pandas don't travel in packs; they prefer their solitude. That weird feeling came back.
¨So what do you want to do?¨ She turned to look at him.
¨ We could walk around, see if there was anything interesting.¨

¨Hey Myra.
¨ If you could ride any ride here for the rest of your life, what ride would you pick?¨
¨ That's a no-brainer. Bumper cars.¨ As the pair walked Myra saw Wednesday and Tyler running from some boys. She had a weird feeling about the situation.
¨ Hey Xavier, I need to go, it was fun hanging out with you. See you tomorrow.¨

    ¨ Oh ok, bye Myra, see you.¨
¨ Byeee.¨ She gave him a quick wave goodbye and ran off in the direction that she last saw Wednesday.
She was laying in Tylers arms for a moment before getting up and chasing after a boy. Her instinct was telling her that something wasn't right; she ignored it and chased after her roommate.
¨ Wednesday! Wednesday, what the hell are you doing?!¨ Myra shouted as she followed the Addams girl deeper into the woods.
¨Wednesday! Wednesday! Where did she go?¨ Myra removed her shadow from her body.
¨ I want you to go look on that side of the woods. I´ll look on this side and alert me if you find anything. The shadow nodded. She started to gather shadows on her side of the woods to look for Wednesday as well, when she heard a voice from the shadow of a tree.
¨Rowan.¨ She immediately stepped through that shadow. Rowen had Wednesday held up to a tree using telekinesis. She immediately engulfed him in her shadows, attempting to distract him so she could get into his mind and torture him long enough for him to let Wednesday go. While she was doing that, she heard a loud snarl which made her stop.
A large beast grabbed Rowen, the sounds of bones breaking and screaming filled Wednesday and Myra´s ears, blood splattered everywhere as they watched their classmate´s murder. Once the monster had left, they rushed to him. Wednesday pulled out a torn piece of paper from his pocket.

¨ I wonder what that drawing is?¨, they were back in their dorm at Nevermore.
¨ I don't know, but we need to figure out why you're in it.¨

Alright ome episode down. I hope that everyone is doing well.

If y'all have any questions, comments or concerns please let me know. Also some constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

I hope that everyone has an amazing day.

See you soon- Moony

Inner Demons - Xavier Thorpe - DISCONTINUEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon