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Bianca gave Wednesday and Myra a smug smirk as she walked past them, Myra gave a mischievous smile. She turned to look at Wednesday giving her a small nod. 
The two walked towards Enid, who tried to contain her excitement.
¨We´re all set.¨ She whispered to both of them.
¨Good, Thing´s in position.
¨Wanna tell us what you were up to all night?¨ Myra asked.
¨And spoil the surprise?¨ Wednesday responded.
¨Speaking of surprises, Ya´ll´s  costume´s are in the tent.¨ Wednesday looked appalled, Myra looked anxious.
    Sure enough when they entered the tent there were two skintight leather and mesh costumes placed on hangers. Quickly got dressed and Myra painted whiskers and a nose on her face. 

    Myra came out of the tent surveying the area,while Enid and Wednesday were talking. Part of her hoping to sneak up to her dorm and get back into her book that she sadly had to leave behind.  When she felt a presence near her, hoping that it wasn't her. She quickly turned around and grabbed the person using their own shadow to grab them and judo flip them. 
    ¨Myra it´s Xavier.¨ Her eyes went wide and her cheeks felt warm. She quickly made his shadow go back to normal.
¨Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to do that though you were someone else.¨ She looked at the ground as she said that last part. No one knew about it besides her mother's side of her family. She looked back up at him, admired the look of his costume.
¨No worries¨. She lent out her hand to help him up. He got to his feet and dusted himself off. He smiled at her. 
    ¨ You look great, Let me guess.¨ She gestured to his costume. ¨ The Cask of Amontillado.¨
¨Yeah. What's yours.Wait let me guess The Black Cat.¨ 
¨Brava one point goes to Mr. Xavier Thorpe.¨  
¨Congratulations youŕé costume is going to predict your outcome.¨ She mischievously smiled at him.
    ¨Oh and what outcome is that?¨ He smirked at her.
    ¨That you and your team are going to lose and look like clowns.¨ 
    ¨Oh and you're so sure about that.¨ He stepped closer to her, still having a smirk on his face.  Myra again felt her face get a little warm. 

    Just then thankfully a loud fanfare play signaling that people need to start heading to their canoes.
    ¨I´m going to enjoy the look on your face when I kick your ass.¨
    ¨Same here.¨  With that the two teenagers headed off towards their respective canoes.

    Four canoes lined up, everyone having their oars at the ready. Enid waved at Ajax, who smiled and shook his head.
    ¨Focus.¨ Wednesday told her. Xavier looked over to Myra, She turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow.
    ¨What do we have here?¨ Wednesday turned to look at Bianca. ¨The runt of the litter.¨ 
    ¨For the record, I don't believe I´m better than everyone else. Just that I´m better than you.¨ Bianca looked taken aback at that. Myra snorted trying not to laugh. Xavier smiled at the interaction between the three of them. 
    ¨I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allen Poe Cup.¨ Weems spoke from her mic. ¨This is one of Nevermore´s proudest annual traditions, dating back 25 years.¨ Myra wiped her sweaty palms on her suit and gripped the oar tighter. 
¨ Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone´s Crypyt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and branding rights for a year, as well as some special privileges.Let the Poe Cup begin!¨ Weems held a pistol in the air and fired it.

Immediately people began shouting commands and paddling their boats.
¨Oh, excuse us!¨ Xavier who was leading his team shoved their boat.  Myra glared at him. She was about to use her powers but stopped herself waiting to do it at another time. The Amontillado boat was now in front of them. Myra turned around noticing a boy taking off his shirt and diving into the water. That must be Bicana´s plan, thought.
¨Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! A boy yelled. Myra turned around noticing that The Pit and the Pendulum canoe was right next to them, Then quickly tried to row faster. They lifted up an axe from the side of their boat. 
¨Duck!¨ Myra yelled. Thankfully at the right moment.How the hell is that allowed? Someone could die or get seriously injured.  Next thing she knew they had rammed into a buoy and their canoe had shattered, sending them toppling into the water. 
The whole ordeal had left a smile on Myra´s face. 
¨Wednesday, I know what Bianca's plan is.¨
Wednesday pulled out a spyglass and also noticed the tail in the water heading straight towards their canoe.
¨Thing.¨ Thing flipped a switch and shot out a projectile that captured the siren.

They landed at Raven Island only a few moments after The Amontillado team. 
¨Stay here and make sure Bianca can't sabotage our boat.¨ Wednesday told Enid and their other teammate as she and Myra went to fetch the flag. They sprinted through the forest getting closer toward the crypt. 
¨Let's go man, they´re right there.¨ Ajax exclaimed to Xavier as they met up with the jesters at the checkpoint.
¨Later Myra!¨ He yelled the sound of glee very present in his voice. Myra flipped him off as he ran towards his canoe. Myra looked at Wednesday as she grabbed the flag off of the crypt. Immediately the Addams girl stiffened and tumbled to the ground. Myra quickly ran to her side, terrified that she would have to see another person die before her eyes. ¨ Come on Wednesday, please don't go. Get up, come on. Please get up.¨ Tears started to prick her eyes, she didn't want to cry.
¨Taking a cat nap?¨ Bianca grinned as she picked up her flag.
¨ Shut the fuck up Bianca.¨ Myra turned to look at her, shadows manifesting in her hand. She scoffed and ran towards her canoe. A second later Wednesday finally awoke looking very dazed. Myra helped the girl up and created a portal through the shadow near the crypt, to the canoe at the shore. 
¨Sorry we're late had a thing to deal with.¨ Myra quickly apologized. 
¨Hurry up, we have to go!¨ Enid yelled. 

As the three teams were rowing back to the finish line.
¨Yo, whatś going on?¨ Xavier questioned. As water began to make its way into their boat. They tried to move the boat but to no avail. Myra laughed as she passed them.
¨Later Xavier!¨ She yelled, a huge smile plastered on her face as she passed him. 
He groaned in frustration, hat falling off of his head. Making Myra laugh some more. ¨Cheaters!¨ He yelled. Myra just smiled at the victory. 
¨I just asked myself, ¨WWWD?¨ What Would Wednesday Do?¨ Enid said
¨NIce work Enid.¨ 
    ¨Thank you.¨ 
    The Black Cats were getting closer to the Gold Bugs. Wednesday flipped a second switch which caused large metal spikes to come out of the canoe. Before they could get close enough to attack the canoe, they were being attacked from under the water. Thing jumped off the boat and began to fight the siren. The spikes punctured the Gold Bugs canoe, the water immediately entered the canoe. They left behind a frustrated Bianca, and quickly rowed back to the finish line. Docking the canoe and running with the flag in their hands. 

    Enid, Myra and the rest of their teammates with the exception of Wednesday were jumping with joy. Myra hugged Enid while still jumping around, a wide smile on her face. 
    ¨OMG Wednesday, Myra we did it. This is the greatest moment of my entire life. Admit it, you kinda go into the whole school spirit thing.¨ Enid spoke with excitement. 
Wednesday turned to look at Bianca as she got out of the water, a look of frustration upon her face.
    ¨You didn't tell me it was a dark, vengeful spirit.¨ Wednesday spoke as she continued looking at Bianca with a small smile on her face. Myra looked around at the crowd surrounding them. 
    ¨ We won! We beat the shit out of them!¨ Myra yelled very excited and pleased with their victory.  What she didn't notice was that Xavier smiled at her excitement. The way the look of joy was etched onto her face was so beautiful to him. 

    ¨The first Poe Cup took place in 1897 as a way to not only honor Nevermore´s most famous alumni, but to celebrate those values that all outcasts share. Community, perseverance, and determination. And we certainly saw those values on display today.¨
Weems handed Enid the trophy and she rose it high in the air cheering as she did so. Myra enveloped Enid with a bear hug also cheering. 
    ¨Congratulations to Ophelia Hall! As a former resident, I will be happy to see the cup back on the mantle after all these years. 

Hey everyone hope y'all are doing well. The scene between Myra and Xavier before the Poe Cup was so cute imo. Anyways if y'all have any questions about anything please let me know. Also I dont mind any constructive criticism.

See you soon- Moony

Inner Demons - Xavier Thorpe - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now