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Myra stared at her ceiling; every time she closed her eyes she would be met with the image of Rowan's death and his screams in her ears. It had only been 5 hours since he died; she sat up, picked out a hoodie from her closet. She grabbed a book off her nightstand and a flashlight, quietly closed the door, heading towards the balcony. Hoping to distract herself from the memories that reminded her of that horrid night that she'd . . . No, not again, she wanted to get to the bottom of what that thing was. After about 2 hours it was around seven in the morning as she watched the sun rise. It looked very breathtaking; she stayed there for a while enjoying the quiet of the world, before heading inside to get ready for the day.

How can you miss a dead body? Wednesday asked Sheriff Galpin. Principal Weems was behind them and Myra to her right.
¨ Cause it wasn't there. No footprints, no blood, no signs of struggle. Nothing, nada.¨
¨Well a dead body doesn't just get up and walk away, does it? Did you check the entire forest, not just the scene of the crime?¨ Myra stated.
¨ My search party looked all night.¨ Galpin replied.
¨ Well, your search party must have left their seeing eye dogs at home. I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me.¨ Wednesday spoke   
¨ Get a good look at this monster thing?¨
¨It didn't stick around for a chat.¨
¨Maybe it was one of your classmates.¨ Myra looked at the man, offended that he would think that , sure it was a school for outcasts, but still they were still people.
¨Sherriff, I find that question offensive,¨ Weems engaged in the conversation.
¨ I don't care, cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue. Hikers just ripped apart in the woods.¨
¨ The mayor says those were bear attacks.¨ Myra raised her eyebrows. Of course, the mayor had to lie. People in politics love keeping their public images squeaky clean.
¨ Well, the mayor, and I disagree on that.¨
¨ So you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed.¨ Myra smirked at the sheriff.
¨ Iḿ sorry. I forgot, you only teach the good outcasts here, right?¨

They entered Principal Weems' office.
¨My guess is Rowan ran away. State troopers have put out an alert, and I've connected with his family, but they haven't heard from him either.¨ Weems took a seat behind her desk. Galpin took a seat at a chair in front of her desk, while Myra and Wednesday remained standing.
¨Dead people are notoriously bad at returning calls.¨
¨What were you both doing out in the woods with him, Ms. Addams and Ms. Osborne?
¨I heard a noise in the forest and went to go investigate. That's when I stumbled upon the attack.¨ Galpin then looked at Myra.
¨ I felt something was off, so I followed her.¨
¨ Then what happened.¨
¨Then we ran into Bianca Barclay and told her to go for help.¨
Next thing I remember, we woke up in our dorm.¨
¨ And just to be clear, this monster wasn't a bear or some other wild animal?¨
¨I´ve hibernated with grizzlies. I know the difference.¨    Weems rose from her desk.¨ Thank you, Sheriff. I think both Ms. Addams and Ms. Osborne are done now.¨
    Wednesday Interjected ¨ Actually I would like to speak to Sheriff Galpin. Alone.¨
    ¨I’m not sure I can allow that.¨
    ¨ I'm sure I could take her down to the station gat a formal statement.¨ 
    A few seconds passed before she agreed. ¨You have five minutes and everything is off the record. Play nice or I will call the mayor.¨ Weems then left the room.
    ¨ Someone is trying to cover up Rowan´s murder. That's the only reason to scrub the crime scene.¨ 
    ¨ Someone most likely had it out to get him, we just need to figure who and why.¨ 
    ¨ Is that your professional opinion as the daughter of a murderer.¨ Myra looked concerned, but decided to ask about it later.
    ¨My father is twice the man you are, and the only thing her murders is the occasional opera in the shower.¨
    ¨ Addams it's been a long night. I'm tired of your games.¨
    ¨ I'm not playing games. I´m telling the truth. You want to reject my claims but you can´t.¨
    ¨Why is that?¨ 
    ¨ Because we all know thereś a monster out there. And Rowan is his latest victim.¨
    Just then a cop opened the door. 
¨ Sheriff?¨
¨You´re gonna want to see this.¨ She opened the other door and there was Rowan.
¨What the fuck,¨ Myra said.

Since Wednesday was at yet another therapy session, Myra decided to help Enid with their canoe for the Poe Cup race.
¨Ladies, come on! Letś work on those teeth. More scowl. This kitty is taking no prisoners.¨ Myra stopped painting and turned to look at Enid. 
¨ Enid, calm down, take a breather,you look stressed.¨ Myra tried to calm the blonde girl. 
¨ If Bianca Barclay wins again this year, I will literally scratch my own eyes out!¨ 
¨ Okay please don´t do that, and also it looks great so far.¨ 
¨ I would pay money to see that.¨ Myra turned to look at Wednesday.
¨Hey Wednesday.¨ 
¨Howdy roomie!¨
¨Iḿ so glad you decided to stay.¨
¨I thought you wanted your room back.¨ 
¨Full disclosure, It feels weird with just Myra and I staying in the room and Thing gives a killer neck massage.¨ Myra stood next to Enid.
¨ Also I have no one to talk about unsolved murders with,and  everytime I go into detail with Enid she faints. So it's a win- win.¨ 
    ¨ So. . . why the change of heart?¨ 
    ¨ I refuse to play the role of a pawn in someone else's corrupt game.¨
    ¨ You mean Rowan?¨
    ¨ I witnessed his murder, Enid, Me and Myra both did.¨
    ¨Itś just, we all saw him this morning. Very much like, not dead¨
    ¨I know. Which leads me to believe Ive been losing my mind. It's not nearly as fun as I had anticipated. Your Nevermore´s gossip queen. What´s Rowan´s story?¨
    ¨Other than being a weird loner . . . Uh . . . No offense.¨
    ¨None taken.¨
¨Xavier Thorpe´s his  roommate. If you had a cell phone you could just text him and ask him.¨
¨ Yoko, Come on! Flare those whiskers. The Poe Cup droops for no one.¨ 
¨ Ok, Enid please take a breather.¨
    ¨What is the Poe Cup anyway?¨
    ¨ Only my entire reason for living right now. Part canoe race, part foot chase, no rules. Each dorm has to pick an Edgar Allen Poe short story for inspiration. You could grab a brush. Ms. Thornhill just ordered pizza. Want to take a stab at being social?¨
    ¨ I do like stabbing. The social part, not so much. Besides, it´ll cut into my writing time.¨ 
    ¨No worries. Just as long as you´re lakeside cheering us to victory on race day. Or you could just glare uncomfortably whatever works."

Thank you so,so,so much for 1K views. I never thought that people would be interested in what I write. I hope that everyone is doing great.

See you soon- Moony

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